chapter 5

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No hate to Zayn and Perrie!


Chapter 5

After we eat our breakfast, all of us gals go in to the bathroom to clean up our smeared make-up. as we are doing that, we hear a doorbell ring. hmmm. i wonder who it is.

i go out of the bathroom and see Niall answering the door. I look and its Josh Devine! next to him i see a quite short girl under his arm. Does he really have a girlfriend?

"Hey Niall" he says "Who's that?" he asks looking strait in my eyes. I feel my heart melt.

"Thats my new girlfriend, Morgan" he says, sounding very proud.

"Hi!" i say. louder than i thought. he waves back politely. 

"Now tell me who that is!" Niall says in a sassy irish voice.

"This is my new girlfriend, Hannah" she giggles after he says that. her voice was kind of high. thats adorable.

"Whats so funny?" he asks raising one eyebrow. "You think its funny?!"

"I don't kknoooow" she says suspisciously. He pulls her inside and tickles her violently. she laughs loud and does her ridiculous giggle.

After they come inside, Perrie storms out the door. o goodness. What did Zayn do. I run up to his shake him on the shoulder hardly and ask him

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!" very loudly.

"I-i broke up with her" he says, talking but whispering at the same time. 

"WHAT?!?!" Everyone crowds around and yells at him.

I see a tear well up in his eye and he runs up stairs. He slams the door. I should have listened to him. This is mostly my fault.

i text him

*sorry that i yelled at u. can i come up to your room so you can tell me the story?*

*only if you wont judge, and fully understand.* 

After i read this i quickly run up to his room so Niall won't see me and ask whats wrong. i quickly slip into his room.

"Whats up?" i ask, trying to sound sincere.

"I'm not interested in girls. im in love with my friend from high school." he says. sounding ashamed. he starts to cry

"It's ok!" i say as i hug him and rub his back

"Thanks morgan" i could hear the smile in his voice.

"So when do i get to meet this boy?" i ask, i'm actually pretty interested.

"His name is ryan. i dont know. as soon as all the boys dont make fun of me." he says kind of worried sounding.

"do you want me to tell them you're gay?"  i say, trying to help.

"No i think i can do it myself." he says as he realizes he just came out of the closet.

"ok" i kiss him on the cheek and walk out of the room. i feel like such a nice friend.

I walk down and go strait into the bathroom to finish removing my smeared make-up and avoid questons. as soon as i walk out Niall walks up to me kisses me and asks

"Are you ok?" he asks, very intense.

"Ya, im fine, my make-up just smeared really badly." i say, not creating drama about Zayns issue.

i walk out further, gather up Margaret, Kendall, and Gabby to go home. When we get to the door Gabby says "I'm going to miss you" to Harry and he throws himself at her and they are basically making out by the door. i pretended i don't see it. Margaret and Louis do a handshake that im sure they made over the night. Then they hug quickly. how dorky. gotta love them. Polite Liam kisses Kendall on the cheek and says "See you later, love". After that i hug and kiss and Niall. He didn't want to let go. He was squeezing me so tight i almost couldn't breath. I had to yank Gabby away from Harry to get her to come. Crazy kids. He winks at her and does a kissing motion with his lips. Weird.

When we get into the car and close all the doors i ask

"How was it gals?"

"Magical" Kendall says closing her eyes.

"Harry is so hot"  Gabby says witha extra long ''o''

"I was talking about all of us not Harry"  i say in direction of Gabby. She isn't paying attention.

"IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME" Margaret says extra loud.'

" We arent around louis anymore, Marg. You don't have to scream" i say to megan.

"Sorry" she says quietly, sounding ashamed. ha.

"i want to have Harry's babies" Gabby says. Oh goodness. Fangirl.

Since all of us are spending the weekend together and are sleeping over till Wednesday. we chill out at home on sunday. Since we Have monday Tuesday and Wednesday off, we are allowed too.

Sunday night finally comes and i haven't seen Gabby for a while. She said she was going to bathroom. Oh my lord. Gabby snuck out to see Harry!

I scream to the other girls and we get into the car heading strait to the boys flat. i was speeding but i didn't care. She needs to wait until marriage! 

I get to the door and knock violently.

"Hey babe" Niall says reaching in for a kiss. i push his face away and go strait to Harry's room.

Since the door was locked, i kicked it open. woops. Gabby is getting hir shirt back on. They're done. I didn't catch them in time. Damnit.

I grab Gabbys arm and she shreiks. 

"I'll come back later, Niall! Love you! Mwah!" i scream to him.

We drive straight to Target. I shove a pregnancy test into Gabby's arms. 

"You're buying this" i say as Kendall and Margaret look scared out of their minds

"Why?" she asks stupidly.

"Did he use a condom?" i say in all seriousness. She giggles.

"No" she says as i feel my anger build up.

"THEN BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at her in the middle of the store. i dont care.

We check out and i speed us straight home. i make her go to the bathroom and make her take it. 10 minutes i hear crazy weeping. She walks out.

"Im pregnant"


sorry this chapter is a lil PG-13

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