Chapter 14

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M.I.A.L.L. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Morgan's POV

After Niall proposed to me beautifully, all the boys came on the beach and started jumping around like maniacs. Liam went up to Niall and hugged him for at least 2 minutes. They've had a bromance for a while.Then Hannah, Kendall, Gabby, and Margaret came on the beach. Gabby ran up to me.

"HARRY GOT ME A MATCHING JEEP LIKE YOURS BUT MINE IS BLACK!!!!!!" she scream. I squeeled and we jumped around.

"Wait whats going on?" She asks.

"Why is everyone here?" She asks again. I gave her my left hand to show her the ring. It was beautiful. Big blue diamond in the middle and little diamonds all around the sides. She screamed then hugged me tight. Tighter than ever. Her dress was hurting me.

"Your dream came true" She tells me. I started getting teary and had the feels.

"I know" I whispered back with my chin trembling. Niall saw me getting teary and ran up to me as fast as he could, sand exploding from the back of his feet. He lifted me in the air and kissed me at the same time. Gabby got a ton of pictures and posted some on instagram. Then we did the same for all the other boys. Except Zayn. They leaned back with their snapbacks and said thug life while holding up some gang sign. I made a collage of all the pictures of the couples and posted it on instagram. Some people were upset because they were all taken and some were happy for us. They said Gabby was better than Harry's last girlfriend Taylor. He didn't date anyone but Gabby after Taylor. He was a mess. Poor Harry. Niall told me about all of his thoughts of suicide until he met Gabby. Then he was the happiest guy alive.

Niall and i wnt back to the beach house real quick and got a bunch of blankets, we were going to sleep on the beach tonight. They sun was already set and Niall and i went on another walk near the water this time. Only one paparazzi came but he got pictures of the proposal then left. Niall asked

"Did it come as a surprise to you?" I was confused.

"About what?" I ask.

"The proposal." He says in a heavy irish accent.

"Oh....kinda" I say.

"What do you mean kinda?" He says very 'wondery' as he says.

"I felt like it was the right moment, but i didn't know if you were actually going to. I didn't expect it. " I tell him.

"Well now you know!" he says then kisses me. I blush heavily.

"Why do you blush so often?" He asks.

"Because the thought of dating and being engaged to a member of One Direction makes me nervous. Which makes me blush." He kisses me again. I can't stop blushing at this point.

"Stop." He says smiling then picks me up wedding style then walks me back to the 'camp site'.

When we get back all of them are playing tag. Louis comes sprinting up to Niall.

"YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!" He screams. I run away but i look back and Niall comes sprinting at me. Since im not a fast runner he basically 'tackles me softly' and kisses me for a while.

"I guess im it again" Louis says sighing.

After Niall gets off of me, i walk into the gazeebo and sit down. Niall comes in and sits next to me.

"Whats wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. I was wondering...why do you kiss me so much?" 

Niall's POV

I definitely DONT know how to answer that question. Because i love her so much? Because shes irresitible? I don't know.

"I don't know how to explain it to you" I tell her as she looks at the ground. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her cheek. "It just feels right. I wanted to be your last first kiss" she finally smiles and i say

"Thats the beautiful smile i was looking for" I say before kissing her. Longer than usual.

"I wish i loved you first." I tell her.

"Before who?" She asks.

"Any guy. Ever." I say than kiss her again. I cant help myself.

Insted of going to sleep we stay up all night talking then going crazy again. She's not afraid to show who she really is. Thats what I love about her. There has been a lot of hate going against us. It's the fans. They don't know about us. I post on twitter *No hate to morgan. We love eachother and if you were a real directioner, you would love her* . Morgan was on twitter and saw the post. She sprinted up to me and immediately kissed me. It took me by surprise. 

"Thank you" she whispered. Nobody compares to my fiance. I get out my phone so we listen to music. I put on a song in our second album i made for her. It's called 'Little Things'. Not many people remember it. But obviously Morgan does.

"I love this song" She tells me.

"I made it for you. It was too early to tell you." I say. She hugs me then we cuddle up under blankets and listen to music on the beach. Im getting the 'feels' all over again. I felt like i was going to have a heart attack they were so bad. I wish we could stay like this forever. She stole my heart immediately.

Morgan's POV 

I wake up from an hour of sleep and im in the beach house bed. Next to Niall. I wake him up.

"How did i get here" I ask. Im really confused.

"I carried you to the car, brought you home, carried you to the bed, then i fell asleep next to you." He tells me sarcastically. I slap him. Not hard though.

"Dont sass me!" I yell.

"I do what i want" He says than has an evil face. I run away. But then again, i got caught. He carries me downstairs to my favorite flavors of Duck Donuts. 

"Did you do this?" I ask.

"No. My mum did" he says then i see his mom on the couch.

"Hi ms.Maura!" i say. "How do you know my favorite donut flavors?" I ask.

"Whenever Niall came home to visit, he always talked about everything about you. Even donuts." She says smiling at me. It's been about a year since ive seen her in Ireland.

"Thank you!" I say then hug her.

"Guess what?" She asks.

"What?" I reply.

"We're going shopping for your wedding dress!" she says excitingly smiling. Her smile is contagious.

"Do you have to take her away from me?" Niall asks.

"It's bad luck if you see her in her wedding dress Nialler! You have to be surprised. And Morgan wants to get married on the beach!"  How did she know? Oh yeah...probably Niall. Oh Ni.


I got the feels REAL bad! Notice any song references?????????????? Dress and etc on the side!!!!!!

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