Chapter 27

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Sorry if my chapters have been short lately. Writers block. Just saw the ghana video. Cried. I texted the number. Love Y'all! <3

Chapter 27

Margaret's POV

So we were just walking down the sidewalk and it wasn't crowded at all. He ran in front of me, kneeled down, and proposed to me! My ring is a simple clear diamond, but it had diamonds all the way around and on the inside 'FOREVER AND ALWAYS' is carved in it. I swear I had a mini heart attack.

Eventually after my heart rate went down, we went in to a cafe. As soon as we got in the cafe I went straight to the bathroom to text Morgan. I also had to pee, but Morgan was more important. I got in the stall and immediately texted Morgan. She texted back that she was happy for me. That was a good sign. All the 1D boys were officially taken. Unless things didn't work out, but knowing probably would.

After I get the response, I walk back out to Louis ordering us two coffees. He knows my exact order so I trust him. I sit down at the table and Morgan texts me a 'SMS' Message (To more than one person). 

Everyone come to Niall's and I's flat tonight! Having a cellleeebbbrrraatttiiiooonnn!!!!!

She's always been crazy. Thats why I love her. I'm guessing she already told everyone. Since everyone is coming. I cant wait. Louis sits down.

"We're going to Morgan's tonight" I say with a smile on my face.

"Why?" He asks. Smile on his face also.

"To 'Celebrate'" I say making air quotations with my fingers.

"Ok" He says as we get up. He kisses my forehead as we leave the building.

Niall's POV

As soon as I hear that Margaret and Louis are engaged I smile. They are perfect for eachother. Both sassy and loud. Well, Morgan is loud. But only on occasions. Most of the time she is sweet. When she's's my fault.

Thinking about all those times I've been mean to her makes me feel bad, so I go up to her and kiss her.

"What was that for?" she says with a smile set across her face.

"Feeling bad for being mean to you" I say. Facing the floor. She lifts my chin up and kisses me intensely and giggles.

"It's ok silly" She says with a smile, so I smile. It's contagious, so I do one of my famous laughs.

I drag her in to the living room to watch Paranormal Activity 2. We watched the first one last night. She was terrified. It was adorable.

"But I don't wanna!" She whined. I laughed.

"But you have to!" I yelled.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. I do an evil laugh and put her over my back and lay her down on the couch.  I pin her wrists to the couch and kiss her. She refuses at first but eventually gives in. She pushes me away and whispers

"Lets watch the movie" With a sly smile on her face.

I grimace and wrap my arms around her. I press play on the remote and the movie starts. Morgan has no idea what happens but I do. I've seen it at least 3 times. I hold Morgans hand and I lose circulation by the end of the movie. But I thought it was cute that she was afraid. Her already big eyes got huge. At the end of the movie she was basically on top of me and my arms could wrap all the way around her.

The movie ended and she squeeled.

"FINALLY! Can we get Nando's? Im starving!" SHe tells me. I smile. She may be small but she can eat a truck load.

We drive up to the window and she orders her meal and I order mine. We drive to the nearest park and sit in the grass and eat. It was still light out so we could see. She looks up from her meal and asks me a questions.

"What did you think when you first saw me?" She asks in full seriousness.  

"Hmmm....what I thought...well....I thought that you were cute. And you worked at Nando's so that was a plus know...I like food" I say. She starts giggleing.

"Really?"  She asks.

"No. I thought you were hot" I say facing the ground. She starts roaring in laughter.

"Thats awesome" She says gasping for air.

"What did you first think when you saw me?" I ask back.

"That I have the best job ever. To meet my future husband." 

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