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"You should do better than me since you're so excited to get the job," Donghyuck said teasingly while him and Jaemin are walking towards the grooming shop since he just agreed to Jaemin working although he doesn't need to. But then, Jaemin started to tell things that made him guilty so he didn't have any choice.

Jaemin should do fine even if he doesn't know much. Donghyuck said the guy who's good at the job will teach him. He's excited about it. This is going to be his first job if he's ever going to be accepted. This is going to a nice starting point for experience before he really gets a job under his major.

He should put a good impression. His clothing looks fine but he doesn't know if he does in other's eyes.

"Hey, Hyuck, do I look fine?" Jaemin asked.

The beta furrowed his eyebrows at him, "We're getting you a job, not a date, Jaem."

"No! I meant to give a good impression."

"Yeah, so don't be worried."

"Is my scent too offensive? I should've worn a perfume," the beta uttered, worryingly. Sometimes, people just doesn't like strong scents, like an alpha's, so Jaemin just got nervous about it.

Donghyuck chuckled, "You smell just fine."

Jaemin trusted his friend's words and didn't mind his thoughts. He doesn't have any knowledge in jobs, what do others expect? He'll overthink about it, but too late, they arrived at the shop in just a few steps. It just opened, since it's very early in the morning. Opening the door, Donghyuck pulled Jaemin in.

"Renjunnie, I'm here!" the beta uttered loudly to catch his friend's attention who was currently nowhere to be found.

They stayed by the door and Jaemin was waiting for a response. Then he heard hurried footsteps coming from the direction of the counter. The beta saw the staff's door opened and there appeared a pretty hybrid coming out of it. Jaemin didn't mean to stare but he did, feeling his heart fluttering. A nice scent of vanilla filling the small area he is in, Jaemin thought the hybrid's an omega.

The beta even thought he's cute. The ears and tail made him imagine things, which made him blush. Jaemin covered half of his face and looked away from the hybrid.

This isn't good.

"Na Jaemin! What the hell are you doing?"

Jaemin snapped out of it and looked over at the two people looking at him, including the pretty hybrid.

"I...I just remembered something. What is it?" Jaemin asked.

Donghyuck signaled him to come over which the beta did but ever so slowly. He got curious why Jaemin suddenly became, somewhat, shy around.

"This is Renjun, he's been around here way before me so he knows the things better and he'll be teaching you how to work," the beta introduced.

The hybrid named Renjun smiled at Jaemin and gave him a hand, which flustered the beta a bit. Jaemin slowly took the small, soft hand and got surprised when Renjun excitingly shook their hands together. The omega was just happy that Donghyuck brought someone to somehow fill up the lack of employees right now.

"Hi, nice to meet you..." Renjun trailed off, waiting for the beta to tell his name, although he heard Donghyuck said it a while ago. He has a short-term memory loss at times.

Jaemin didn't want to stay there, standing, and stare at how cute Renjun is with his tail swaying and his ears down. Instead, he just snapped out and pulled his hand away to bow infront of the omega, "I-I'm Jaemin...Nice to meet you, sunbae--"

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