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"You didn't have to do that. Look what happened."

In the nearest hospital, Renjun brought Jeno to clean his wounds and check if the alpha has some injuries. Luckily, the man was just fine. He has some scratches on the face, his knuckles suffered the most and some bruises, but not something that was dangerous. Though while Jeno was having a nurse clean his wounds, the hybrid was seated infront with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

Though the omega seemed like he's really upset, the alpha couldn't help but think how cute he is.

"I didn't like how the guy was forcing you to come with him. I had to do something," Jeno said then hissed at a wound that was being cleaned.

"He almost died, Jeno-ah."

"Oh, come on, he's just acting."

"He definitely wasn't!"

The alpha frowned, "He's chasing you for what anyway? Do you owe him something?"

Renjun shook his head, "You don't need to know that--"

"Why are you hiding him? You shouldn't feel sorry for him because I broke his face. He damn deserves that," the alpha uttered, not having much mercy for the guy he beat up like a pulp. That guy was left and neither one of them knows what happened to him right now. Well, Jeno doesn't care.

Let him rot in the corner, he thought.

"But he won't come back so there's nothing to worry about," Renjun said.

"We aren't sure about that. Come on, tell me. I wanna know what that bastard did that made you run away from him," Jeno having the last bandaid putting on his face before the nurse went to get some cream and medicine for his wounds, which made Renjun feel a lot easier to answer the alpha.

Despite just a few days, maybe more than a week, Renjun able to find more people he could open up to. People thought he's the easiest catch they could find but the omega was more than just someone who's vulnerable. All his life was about putting his trust into people, either bad or good, and it's just about luck.

Jeno was one of those people he found immediately comfort. Alphas weren't much of an optional when it comes to making friends, but the omega was surprised when Jeno started off being friendly. Sometimes, the omega was thankful that things didn't go the way they were when he was younger.

He found genuine people along the way and he guessed his life couldn't be more sweeter.

"Unsurprisingly, he's my ex-boyfriend. I was just stupid and didn't realize what was happening between us. He placed me in a really, really, bad situation. So, I had to cut our relationship and he still holds a grudge about that. I trusted many people then ended up them breaking it," the omega chuckled, having a bittersweet smile, "I guess, it's part of life."

The alpha kept a straight face but he was plotting some evil shit in his mind right now for that guy, "Okay. The next time I see him will be in the afterlife--Hey, what was that for?"

The omega punched his arm, but it barely hurt the alpha. The small fist was very cute but Jeno wanted to take him seriously so he didn't laugh. Renjun furrowed his eyebrows with a small pout, his ears and tail down. This hybrid is going to be the death of him. Seriously, Renjun can kill him if he wants to.

"Stop saying that and don't do anything to him, please," Renjun uttered.

"Why are you protecting him?" Jeno asked, confused, "You're still inlove with hi--"

"What are you saying, Jeno-ah?! Of course, not anymore!"

"Then why?"

The omega sighed, "I just don't want anyone getting hurt because of me. That's all."

"But he hurt you," the alpha told him.

"Doesn't mean you can hurt him too. I have no doubt he won't come back. He's afraid of you beating him up again," Renjun reassured as he smiled, wanting Jeno to put the idea of killing down. He was just that type of person.

Jeno sighed loudly, "Fine! Fine...Whatever you want. But you have to have someone with you next time."

"My friend didn't come to pick me up because of school but I promise that I'll tell you if I need any company," Renjun said.

"I'll arrive before you know it," the alpha then hopped off the bed when he saw the nurse coming towards him to give the medicine. Once he recieved it, they were good to go, "Come on. I'll walk you to the shop before I practice."

"You can't go to practice like that," the omega worryingly said, "Excuse yourself for a few days."

"I can handle it. It's just a few scratches. Come on, you're already late. You can't also argue with me."

"I can actually argue with you, Jen."

"Argue with me next time! Not now!"

Renjun got many questions when he started telling his friends about what happened this morning. They were quite worried about him. Who wouldn't be worried for an omega? Something bad could've happened and they weren't there to help him. Though the omega assured them that he's fine and told them about Jeno.

Jungwoo was going to cry for not being able to protect his omega friend. He was asked to be in the university this morning and didn't get to tell Renjun earlier. Though, the omega didn't know how to hold grudges.

The omega was busy restocking the products on the shelves, not noticing who was entering in the shop. He just jolted when he heard someone calling out name, worryingly.

"Renjun, Hyuck told me about what happened and I'm really worried. Are you fine? How are you feeling? Are you hurt? Why did you attend work? You could have gone home and take a rest--"

The hybrid was surprised about how much worry was filled in his eyes.

"I'm fine, Jaemin-ah. I'm still in one piece," the omega chuckled.

The beta furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hands on his waist, "Don't joke like that! Did you really have any wounds or something?"

"Seriously, I'm alright. A friend helped me, he was the one who caught all the punches. He looks really cool!" the omega said, smiling, "You should meet Jeno someday. You two will go along really well."

"Really? You don't want to go home and take some rest? I can go with you," Jaemin asked.

Renjun shook his head, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Thank you, Minnie. You should worry more on your grades."

"I can handle school. I can't handle you being hurt...and my other friends."

The omega nodded, "I can see that. Anyway, come and help me with these after you change."

Jaemin sighed before he nodded and went to do his work.

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