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Jaemin wasn't able to concentrate that well in class today. All he could think of is Renjun. He couldn't help but think about several "what if's" and plans to somehow say sorry to him. Though, he has a strong feeling that the omega will just avoid him or something and it would hurt. But he could only try.

He doesn't even know how can he sleep tonight.

After school, Jaemin mindlessly walked towards the shop. He was nervous, he was getting cold sweat and his mind was all over the place. What is he going to say anyway? Should he just like forget about it and let it pass or be stupid and try apologizing? He doesn't know what to do but there he is, he's a few steps away from the shop.

Before he could even decide if he'll go in with full confidence or not, Jeno walked out of the shop with a big intimidating aura surrounding him.

The alpha noticed him and made eye contact. He didn't say anything but Jaemin knew what happened. Jeno quietly looked away and turned his back on him, walking away from the shop. The beta suddenly had the urge to atleast talk to him, because why not? Hopefully, Jeno won't shout at him.


The said male halted. Jaemin walked towards him as he took a deep breath and stood infront of Jeno. The beta had to swallow the saliva blocking his throat.

"Can we...talk?" the beta asked.

Jeno raised an eyebrow at him, "Renjun didn't talk or show up. He locked himself in the staff's room when I tried to apologize. Try it yourself...Well, if that's what you're going to ask."

"Th-There's no need to be cold. He's mad at the both of us, alright? It's not just you who's frustrated. I just want to tell you that I'll do everything just so we can get along," Jaemin said with full determination. He badly wants to talk to Renjun but with them being in this situation, there was no way he could.

The alpha sighed, "And if we do, what will happen next? We'll just still fight about Renjun."

"I-I'll give way."

Jeno was taken aback, furrowing his eyebrows at him, "What do you mean?"

"You're right, I'm just a beta. I can't make him happy just as much as you would...I'll help you, but let me atleast be with him as a friend."

Silence took over a few seconds. Jaemin doesn't know what Jeno was thinking but he didn't see any reaction from him that much. The beta waited for an answer, with his palms turning into fists as he said those words. It was against his will but what else can he do? Jeno's right. What will happen if they did get along? They'll still fight because of Renjun.

They aren't blaming the omega. It's just how things will work in the end. Jaemin doesn't want to fight, so he surrendered.

"I need to go. I still have hockey practice."

Jaemin lets Jeno walk pass him, not asking for an answer on the deal he was giving. Slowly, the strong scent of the alpha faded. The beta just stood there, thinking he did the right thing.


The beta looked behind and saw Sungchan comes out of the shop. He actually hoped that it was someone else.

"Ah, I wasn't able to give this to Jeno-ah," the alpha clicked his tongue, "I thought I could make it."

Jaemin hummed, "What is it?"

Sungchan showed an ID which the beta knew that it was for Renjun, for the hockey tournament.

"That's for Renjun," the beta said.

The alpha shrugged, "He didn't want it. Can you do me a favor? I don't think he'll come back so maybe you'll meet him along the way."

Jaemin looked at the ID, somehow thinking about something so stupid. He grabbed the pass and nodded at the alpha, smiling at him.

"Alright. I'll give it back...Is Renjun inside?"

Sungchan nodded, "If you want to hurt yourself, come in. Although, Hyuck already told that you won't be able to work for a few days."

"Ah, yeah...Exams," the beta excused.

"I already know why. No need to hide it. Don't worry about him, he's just teaching you a lesson so better learn from it, hyung," the alpha told him.

Jaemin nodded, "Yeah...I'll see you later, Channie. Thanks."

"Get home safely. Goodluck on your exams."

The beta walked towards the apartment. He was looking at the ID has in his hand. Jeno didn't give him any answers, might as well force it. Jaemin will go attend the tournament instead. Things might not go well but the beta could only try.

"It takes a lot of courage to say that," Yangyang commented while having their water break.

"You tell me," Jeno sighed while shaking his head, "That fucking beta. He isn't thinking this through, did he?"

"It's in your favor. What are you mad about?"

The alpha frowned, tightly holding on his water bottle. He remembered how Jaemin determined told him that all of a sudden. What should he even say? He gave up already, huh?

"I'm not mad...I'm more frustrated," the alpha said.

Yangyang chuckled, "It's an opportunity, nevertheless. Might as well cooperate with him. You're a good team captain, you know how to do that simple thing."

Jeno hated how Jaemin just gave him a chance. Something in him didn't like it.

"Back to practice, cap," the beta uttered, patted Jeno's shoulder before he skates over his team on the rink.

As much as he wants to focus on practice, he couldn't stop thinking how he'll get along with Jaemin.

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