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Immediately, he knew who the beta was, just from Renjun's stories about him. Jeno looked at him from head to toe, judging the beta infront of him. His scent annoys him already, maybe everything about him annoys the alpha. This is why he doesn't want to meet this beta.

"Oh, great, you finally met each other! Jeno, this is Jaemin. Jaemin, this is Jeno," the omega cheerfully introduced.

Jaemin looked back at the guy named Jeno. He shivered under his threatening glare. He doesn't know if this alpha just has a bad day or he's really not happy to see him. It kind of looked like Jaemin owe him something. It was actually awkward and concerning when a stranger looks at you like that.

Nevertheless, the beta handed out a hand to the alpha and smiled at him to lower down whatever the tension that was between them.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Na Jaemin. You must be the guy Renjun has been talking about," the beta uttered.

The alpha gave a smirk and roughly shook hands with Jaemin, "I'm Lee Jeno. Glad we could meet now."

Jaemin nodded and pulled his hurting hand away. He tried not to look hurt, not wanting Renjun to get worried. He just soothes his hand behind his back as he got weird out because of the sudden roughness of the alpha. Well, so much for a good first impression.

"What were you going to say Jeno-ah?" Renjun asked.

"Hm? Nothing...I was just going to ask you if the cat foods are on stock. I just remembered that I still have a few to spare," Jeno answered, smiling at the omega.

The hybrid nodded, "Oh...They don't eat too much?"

"I don't let them. They're getting too big for their age now," Jeno excused, not wanting to give the beta another glance. He's disgusted.

"Speaking of food, do you want to join us? We're going to eat in the cafe across the street. Minnie's treating me for lunch," Renjun sounded really excited and it's because it was it's free food.

Jeno shook his head, "Nah. I'll join both of you next time but do you have a minute, Jaemin?"

Hearing his name, Jaemin flinched and looked back at the alpha, "Y-Yeah...Maybe. Can I, Renjun?"

"Yeah, it's alright! I can wait," Renjun uttered, "Maybe Jeno-ah wants to know you better."

About that...Guess it's never gonna happen.

"Great! Let's talk outside."

The beta cautiously followed the alpha out of the store. He kept on asking himself what he did wrong because he just met this guy and it seemed like Jeno already holds a grudge against him. Jaemin wanted to say no because it felt wrong but here he is.

They stood in an alleyway beside the shop. The nice, friendly aura Jeno's been holding was gone and his competitive, aggressive side just came out in a snap. He coldly looked at Jaemin.

"I want you to stay away from Renjun. You can tell me whatever you want, just stay away from him."

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait, what?"

Jeno frowned, "You heard me, beta. You know what I'm talking about. You like Renjun."

The beta fell surprised by his words. He got nervous that he needed to look around, not wanting Renjun to be hearing their conversation. He looked back at the alpha with discomfort but realized something that made him sigh and look at him with an annoyed look.

"Oh, I get it. You like him too, don't you?" the beta crossed his arms.

"Good that you know. Now, keep yourself away from him or I'll do the deed by myself."

Jeno said, threatening Jaemin. He doesn't like anyone going in between his business, especially now that he found his mate. No one will get in his way and if someone does, he throws them out. He can't just give Renjun away that easily.

"Who are you to tell me that?" Jaemin uttered, "Are you scared of me?"

The alpha clenched his jaw and fists. He suddenly grabbed the beta by the collar with a fist ready to punch him. Jaemin tried to remove the strong grip but it was no use. He looked tough but he's actually scared about what Jeno would do to him. But he still let his tough side reign.

"You're nothing compared to me! You're just a fucking beta--someone I could easily win against," Jeno growled, sharply looking at the beta, "Don't act tough and play as the main character of this story because you obviously aren't!"

The alpha pushed the beta against the wall, hard enough for Jaemin to groan. He understood why people fear alphas and it's his first time to go against one.

"I won't do whatever you say to me. I'm just beta but I would like to see you fail against one."

Of course, that's not true. Jaemin's surprised why his knees aren't shaking and giving up, but he's glad they aren't. He can't show that he's a wimp. He can stand up against an alpha, although the possibility of him being sent to the hospital is very high. He won't back down.

Jeno scoffed and smirked evilly, "Oh, are you telling to compete against you? Let's be true to ourselves, you'll lose to your own game."

"You're threatened by a beta," Jaemin chuckled, "I think you're the one acting tough."

The alpha launched and pushed the beta harder against the wall. Jeno looked furious. Jaemin was getting into his nerves and the beta kind of had fun doing it.

"Listen here, little shit. A beta can never satisfy an omega! Remember that! If you want me to prove that I'll have Renjun myself, then you'll get what you want. I want you to be gone when that happens. Do you get that?"

Jaemin teasingly smiled at him, "And if I won, stay away from my omega."

Jeno took a step back and harshly lets go of the beta.

"May the best man win."

After that, the beta was able to breathe. He couldn't believe he did that and the courage he got was nowhere to be seen right now. Jaemin watched the alpha drove away, not forgetting to bid goodbye to Renjun who must be waiting for too long. Jaemin sighed and immediately went to fetch the omega.

"I'm so sorry. We just...had fun talking," the beta excused, "You're not hungry yet, are you?"

Renjun pouted, looking cutely upset because of his hybrid features are down, "I'm starving..."

Jaemin became flustered, "L-Let's go then! I'm really sorry about that," then excuses themselves out to the other co-workers to eat.

"What did you guys talk about?" the omega asked.

"You don't have to know that, Junnie..." then gave an awkward laugh.

A beta can never satisfy an omega!

Jaemin sighed, asking mentally what just got himself into.

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