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Since Jeno was lazy last weekend, the next weekend, Jeno just planned to groom his cats today whether he's lazy or not. He wasn't the type of owner who wants to do most of the cleaning. His cats are very important to him that he's scared that he might do something wrong and put his cats in danger. Also, he needs to be in practice this afternoon and he doesn't have the time to groom his cats by himself.

Coming home after a quick jog outside, Jeno went for a bath and change in a new clothing. He grabbed bags that were meant to cage his cats whenever he wants to bring them, either his parent's home or just generally to be with them anywhere. The alpha gets a hard time getting them in but he was able to do it.

Once he did, he carried the three cages and walked out of his condo, locking it before he went to the elevator. He pushed the button to the parking lot. When the doors opened, he walked towards his car and unlocked it. He opened the door and carefully placed the three cages on the backseat. The alpha then closed the backseat door and went to the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove out of the lot.

Jeno hasn't really put his cats to the grooming shop. He doesn't even know where the shop, he had to check on the internet to look for one around his area. Hopefully, his cats are going to be fine.

The alpha stopped and parked infront of a grooming shop that his phone directed him to. Jeno looked at the signage and saw that it's the right shop he saw. He removed his seatbelt and went out check out the place, letting his car's engine on for his cats inside.

Jeno walked into the shop, hearing a chime once he pushed the glass door. A sudden surge of vanilla scent filled his nostrils. He looked around, denying his fast heartbeat. Jeno just walked over to the counter when he looked ahead to see a brown-haired boy standing behind, cleaning up at the moment. The alpha was sure this boy doesn't have the scent he's smelling.

The boy smiled once he noticed the strong alpha's pheromones, "Good morning, sir! I'm Donghyuck. What can we do for you?"

"A simple groom for my three cats. Will someone be able to do it?" Jeno asked.

"Of course! Would like to meet the groomer first?" the beta asked back.

The alpha nodded, "Sure."

Donghyuck nodded and walked towards the staff room to get his friend. Jeno waited, not too long, by the counter. He was tapping his finger on the wood, looking out of the window then heard a few hurried footsteps that made him to look back, noticing how the vanilla scent became stronger. Upon seeing another boy, the alpha felt like everything just muted.

"Good morning, sir! I'm Renjun, I'll be grooming your furbabies today!"

He's a meal.

The alpha smiled, "I'm Jeno. What services do you do?"

Can be any services, really.

When the boy Renjun started speaking and explaining, Jeno was just staring at the presumably omega because of how he smells. Should he feel worried that he might get called a creep? Maybe. The alpha just really thought how pretty Renjun is. Just his scent alone is really attractive. He's even a hybrid. His pointed ears and swaying tail looked really cute on him.

His hybrid friends don't look cute like him. Jeno's curious if Renjun doesn't have any other alphas or betas around him.

"Just do the simple cleaning for them, please. I'll just go get them," the alpha uttered.

Renjun nodded, smiling, and stayed standing beside Donghyuck. They were patiently waiting for the man. The omega actually loved how he smells, roasted coffee beans. The boasted feeling of energy hit Renjun fast, but he wasn't bothered. Because of that, he wasn't able to hear what the beta said, which wasn't too loud.


Renjun hummed, curious about what Donghyuck said but the beta just shook his head with a chuckle.

Jeno took some time before he was able to get his cats out. Once he did, he went back in and placed them on the counter. The alpha was about to speak but he stopped when someone squealed and zipped the cage to grab one of Jeno's kittens.

"Awe, he's so cute! Hello, baby!" Renjun carried the white mixed with orange and black cat high and, cooed at how cute and chubby they are. The cat seemed unbothered but calm against Renjun's hold.

The alpha didn't know that his heart could do jumps because of an omega. Between the hybrid and his cats, Jeno would say sorry to his three babies and pick Renjun as the cutest.

Donghyuck noticed the familiar stare of the man on his friend so he cleared his throat and spoke to catch the customer's attention, "We'll be doing the job. You can go back for them when we call you. Could you put your number here?"

Jeno nodded and wrote his number on the paper provided, "I'll come back then. Could you do it before lunch? I have somewhere else to go."

"We'll do our best, sir," the beta uttered and smiled at their customer.

The alpha nodded, again, and already on his heels to go but he got surprised upon hearing a tiny voice.

"Bye, daddy!"

Jeno looked back at Renjun, who said that, while still handling his cat that was facing him. The omega was holding the paw and waves it at the alpha. The man felt flustered but he just nodded before he went out of the shop, trying to deny the fact that he's getting crazy of an omega hybrid he just met.

A/N: i won't talk about the numerous times i felt cringe out when i kept writing things with "daddy"

but i can't stop writing it

Love lots ♥

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