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"There's always a time that you'll stumble and fall, but in this world, you need to be headstrong." -Miss Y.

In a dark room with an interior design of gothic. It was nightmarish for a young innocent and lovely girl to enter such a room. There were several types of furniture of serpents and beasts making anyone uneasy. The place was sinister, feeling like someone was looking at you without knowing that danger might be happening anytime soon.

Lorraine thought it was a good place for weird people, she doesn't mean it badly, she just meant that a comfortable place for people who love gothic arts and design but now she's here facing one of them. The woman was around her 40's with her clothes somber as her aura, she looked nice and neat however the place does not feel like it.

Honestly, Lorraine doesn't believe in myths or legends not even someone who can read the future through the palms of her hand, but she was just trying to respect her classmates request to see the great woman who reads thy future, a fortune-teller.

"Darling," The fortune-teller called out. Not even blinking upon staring intently at Lorraine's eyes. "Lorraine."

Her eyes widened when the teller mentioned her name. It was impossible! She was confused about how this woman in front of her knew her name.

She shrugged the idea, thinking maybe the teller sneakily looked at her school ID since she was wearing her school uniform and school ID. Her classmates told her to try out this Fortune Telling house which gives her some creeps. They said that what the fortune teller says is going to be true and it tells you exactly what your future.

"Come, sit down." The teller said and smiled at her like something was on her sleeves, a sinister smile. But maybe the fortune-teller was just being nice to her, and she just overthink everything weird.

She followed the teller's instructions, and as she placed her hands on the table, the teller grabbed them by force. She gasped, and her heart was pumping so fast in fear. She did not except the sudden action of the teller but still she remained composed after all.

"G-give m-me my h-hands," she said, stuttering. Her fear failed her composure but who wouldn't be? The woman is strange, and anyone would pee in their pants if it were them on her place.

She was shaking in fear but tried to hide it. She just has to inhale and exhale to calm herself down. The teller let her hands go and looked at her intently like she was seeing her, her future.

"Darling," The teller started, "Be careful. I can see a tragedy."

A warning.

From her words, she knew something wasn't right. She was confused and wanted to ask the teller why must she be careful. She had bodyguards all around and asking her to be careful was coming out of nowhere. She is safe from anyone who wants her dead and besides she did no harm to anyone at all, not even in her youthful years.

"Ha! You are just scaring me." She retorted and smirked trying to act cool.

But the teller's gaze didn't leave her. It was so intense that anyone could see that it was never a joke. It was foreboding to her, but she can't leave now, now that she started this, she got to finish it.

"You, my child, don't return to your house for now." The teller warned her. "It's not safe. Just listen to me."

"I have been kind all my life. Why would I not be safe?" she asked with her face frowning.

"Your destiny is in your hands,"

As the teller left those words to her, she stared at her palms, searching for signs but to no avail she found none.

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