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"If there's love at first sight, there should be love at first save?!" -Author

"Where's Mica?" Brielle asked the employees there and they directly pointed it out. She heads to a little clinic room and saw Mica fully awake and alive.

"Mica!" Brielle went near her like a fashion model but who cares. "What happened?"

"Sweetie, I'm fine. Thanks to him,"

"Excuse me? Who?"

Mica pointed to the man sitting on a couch and as she was about to look her eyes widened.


"Oh, Miss Lu!"

"You always cause me trouble. You did this to her! Admit it!" Brielle was furious

"So cute but duh! You are so evil. You keep getting angry, can't you smile a little bit? You'll get ugly."

"I'm not, I'm just stating facts!"

"You'll get ugly from getting angry. You usually wear a poker face, hey, Miss beautiful does Miss Lu have only this poker face?" Louis asked

Mica laughed out loud. "Kind of?" Mica replied

"Oh, honestly, I was just helping her alright. I didn't even know you were friends, I just you and Veronica was close duh! Whatever."

"Isn't he the cutest guy in the world?" Mica said.

"Aiya! Miss Mica, I might think I'll fall in love with you but thank you."

"What? Stop it." Brielle interrupted.

"I'll chat with you later Miss Beautiful," Louis said and went near to Mica and kissed her hand. He then left the two of them to speak.

And still, Brielle never processed the information. Like what just happened? Were like talking and now what?

"Explain," Brielle said

"Aweee, that happened, Louis saved me, I saw him in the competition but I  don't really care. Honestly, when he was nice a while ago, I think...."

"No. He wanted to steal your doggy."

"Sweetie, he can even steal my heart."

"Mica, you are out of your mind. What if..."

"Sweetie, no worries, it's just, I'm trying to open my heart. He told me, he's interested in me."

"Wow, you just met."

"No, we met but not closely. It may be the first we really met that close, it's love at first saved."

"Excuse me? That's a nonsense sweetie. You might get hurt by him."

"We never know if we never try. Please support me in this, sweetie. I swear this will work. I'll try to open my heart if I can open it."

"Hmm, I couldn't do anything if that's what you want. I need to take in the fresh air."

Brielle left and still looked worried. They just met but there's no true love. It's fake. A substitute. That would be a total heartbreak.

"Louis!" She called when she saw her on the shore like he is waiting for someone.

"Oh, Miss Lu. Is Mica alright?"

"Uh, yeah, but are you kidding me?"

"A what?" Louis looked confused. "Ah, you mean, I'm going to win her heart."

"You just met."

"Maybe destined?"

"Seriously? Men like you..."

"Haha, you looked so worried Miss Lu. I'm interested in her, at that moment, in that instant. Love has no boundaries, can't we try our luck?"


"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard in my lifetime."

"Yeah but honestly, dognapper, I already took glances at her and I saw her sometimes, in a distant but yeah, isn't it weird? This cute little feeling."

"Whatever you two are feeling. Both of you are insane BUT I warn you, you hurt her, I'll slap you and choke you. Understand?"

"Yes sir, mam sir!" Louis smiled cheerfully.

Brielle left in annoyance. She just can't believe that this is happening. It's like...she doesn't know and understands at all. It's too fast for them.

Louis looked at her leaving. His kind of impressed by the love of her best friend. It's like he wanted to know about Mica cause Miss Lu can't let her go. It'll be a trial and error at least they have tried.

"Who were you talking to?" A man whispered behind him.

"Evann, good you are here."

"Of course, this place? Not bad." Evann replied. "Did you found her?"

"Yup, aiya! It was romantic though. It was super duper touching, Evann. Finally! I saw her and I found her after what had happened. Thank you Evann for helping me search for her."

"Guess that it's love at first saved?" Evann raised his brows.

"Haha, seems you are interested in my love life. Yieee, you need one to spice up your life little buddy."


"Let's go."

"What's with the face?" Nanny Malou asked Brielle who was cooking with a face.

Brielle sighed. "Mica's in love."

"So? What's wrong?"

"They just met."

"Brie, calm down, if they are destined, they will be, okay?"

"But Nanny..."

"No buts darling. Give them a chance maybe, just maybe, they'll teach you how to love too." Nanny Malou retorted and kissed Brielle on her forehead.

"Fine. I'll...I'll support them."

"Darling, it's time you focus on your love life too. You are still single and you'll always be if you are not going to find one."

"Pass," Brielle smirked at that idea.

"What if your mom and dad decided to get you married?"

"That ain't gonna happen, Nanny. Unless..."

"Unless?" Nanny Malou frowned and made a grin.

"They just did, am I right?"

She was so calm but Nanny Malou was smiling her heart out.

This lad is smart. She never fails me. Nanny Malou thought.

"No way, I can't marry anyone."

"But that's their wish." Nanny Malou smiled. "In your family, once theirs a request, you obediently follow but why not now?"

"It's marriage. I don't believe in such a thing, they'd end up separated."

"Did they?"

"No, but most of the people. I don't know about love Nanny, I'll speak to mom when I get back."

Brielle was so upset about what happened to her. What the situation is!

This is crazy! She's being arranged marriage by a man she never even know who the hell!

She shrugged her shoulders and went outside. She needs to remain calm. She gotta do so.

After the HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now