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"A chance for thy reign. A step for something to uncover." -Author

From what happened yesterday, Brielle wanted to surprise Mica at her new Art Gallery.

"Are we there yet?" Mica asked her.

"Just shut up,"

"I might stumble and fall, sweetie," Mica growled at her closing her eyes without even peeking. She's an honest woman that deserves an honest man.

"Okay, open now." She ordered her.

Mica slowly opened her eyes and roamed her eyes around. She was amused by the Gallery. It was fascinatingly beautiful with chandeliers and a grand piano. Brielle's paintings hang the wall. It was an artistic and modernistic model.

"Wooh! Fascinating," Mica commented. "Unbelievable,"

Mica turned her towards Brielle who was roaming her eyes around too. "I know right," she answered her.

"So, this is what you've been doing lately? What the?! It's above perfect, I say." Mica said, "Your dreams are coming true starting when we were young, sweetie. You've been working hard on it, didn't you?"

"Exactly." She retorted and looked at her best friend with sweetness. "By the way, Polar!" She called the dog.

The cute pomeranian was running towards her wiggling its tail. "It's my gift for you," Brielle said.

Mica's eyes widened and a huge smile was made on her face.

"Really? Awe, sweetheart, you are so sweet." Mica's eyes puppied and it was cute on her. She picked up the dog and enjoyed each others' company. "What's its name?"

"Polar," Brielle replied and took a stroll in her Gallery. Veronica's been working hard lately.

But. Only a few people visited her magnificent Gallery and buy some paintings. She needs something to gain fame in this area.

"Sweetheart, are you sure this dog is for me?" Mica asked her while she was strolling around.

"Yes, it's just that we've been together for weeks?" She answered.

"Oh, perhaps, you've enjoyed together's company."


Mica's eyes glinted with sadness and happiness. "Sweetheart, just keep the dog. I'm glad you've enjoyed Polars' company."

Brielle stopped strolling and faced her best friend. "It's yours. I'll get over that companionship you know."

Mica slightly tilted her head. "Really? At least, you have company in your condo. Sadly, this can't be mine but I'm glad that you're ready to adopt a dog."

"What's the drama? I can visit Polar if I want. It's a gift, take it." Brielle smiled at her without a hint of sadness in her eyes. She was serious to give it away, she can't have a dog really, she's too busy lately.

"Tss, okay. I can't accompany you forever but this dog will. If it's mine, don't ever take it again." Mica said and laughed at her. "You don't even have a boyfriend."

"Mica," she growled at her and Mica didn't mind. She's used to her cold aura or change of moods.

"Miss Lu," Veronica called. Her pretty dress could catch anyone's attention. It was a catchy red but it perfectly fits her.

Brielle looked at her with her expressionless look saying 'what' to her.

"This is a report, last week," Veronica said and handed her the report.

She accepted them and scanned the report. "Hmm, there aren't many sales do we?"

"Uhm, yes. The paintings are good but the Gallery just started and we have competition with," Veronica explained to her.

"There are lots of galleries. I visited them one by one and their entrance for the visit is quite much."

"Yes, we need to make it famous."

"Are you telling me what to do?" Brielle coldly asked her.

"Sweetie, don't be rude to your employee." Mica interrupted and smiled at Veronica who was trembling in fear.

"Tsk, what do you suggest?" Brielle asked still not moved by Veronica's effort for her.

What is Veronica up to?

"Miss Lu," She started and bowed her head thrice. "I'm sorry,"

Brielle raised her brow and crossing her arms. She already knew that this young gal right here made some serious trouble.

"I let our gallery join into an art competition to gain fame and high-class families will visit here. I entered your name. I'm sorry."

Brielle flinched. "What?" She calmly asked. "What did you do?!"

"Miss Lu, I sincerely apologize. I'm sorry for so much trouble. I want to help our Gallery." She started crying in front of her and started kneeling.

She smirked at her. "Stand up. I hate to see that."

Veronica followed what she had ordered but still not looking her in her eyes.

"Cancel it."

"B-but there are fees whenever you decline it. Miss Lu, please reconsider it." Veronica explained.

"Huh, I can pay whatever the price is. Let me ask you something. You just want me to join aren't you?"

"Y-yes, Miss Lu."

"Oooh, you must be a fan and so am I." Mica murmured while petting Polar in her arms. The dog seemed to enjoy it. "Sweetheart, try it since you want to gain fame for your Gallery might wanna try it, or would you rather be an employee to Mr. Winter."

Brielle shrugged the idea to be an employee. She doesn't want to be an employee, she wanted to be the employer. She'd prefer to be the boss who's not working with anyone.

She stared at her employee for a while. "Tell me, the time, date, when, and where. Send me an email."

Veronica's eye smiled and bowed to her in thanks twice. "Thank you, Miss Lu."

She just wants her idol to be famous once more. To prove that her idol is not a weakling to her family nor friends.

Veronica left hopping going back to where she left. Mica shooked her head smiling at her best friend who didn't even make a sound for a minute or two.

"To let your Gallery known, you need to compete with it. So, sweetie, I wish you that God will bless you." Mica mumbles and winked at her.

She flipped her in front of Mica. "Let's go, I want an ice cream."

"Okay, dokey!" Mica exclaimed in happiness while holding the dog in her arms. A lucky dog that's being loved by these two hotties.

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