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"Dreams, one thing that inspires a person to continue moving forward"-MSAY59

"Aaaaaaah!" Brielle screamed out her lungs upon waking up in her condo. "Was it a dream?"


Her phone rang to a notification. She opened them and saw an email saying that:

Good day, Young Madame, Mr. Cheng, would like to ask you to pack your things already for you to live with him.

A what? Live with him? Brielle thought.

She gasped and sighed. Then, it was never a dream. It was a nightmare. She was single for a long time and now she is married. She even hated Mica dating Louis and now......just WOW.

She hurriedly dressed up in her simple look but formed her small body. She could be a model or a k-pop idol for her body size though.

She packed her things up and went downstairs. She saw Evann sitting on a couch while reading an art magazine. He looked like a King of Darkness. His aura is creeping anyone out.

She walked straight to him and sat on the opposite couch. "Mr. Cheng," She called and crossed her arms.

"Hmm?" He answered still scanning a magazine.

Evann's butler took her things away from her and they were left there alone. It isn't awkward that silence ruled over.

Brielle decided to speak. "A-are you sure about this?"

Evann looked at her if she was serious about the question. She couldn't even read his expressionless look.

He then smiled. Oh goodness! For Pete's sake! A fallen angel has arrived. That smile makes anyone pee.

"Brie," He called and it was music to her ears. Aside from her Nanny, Evann also called her like that. It's like he was calling her 'honey', 'babe', 'love'. "Are you afraid of sleeping with me?"

Brielle was shocked at his words. Is he even serious about sleeping together? She never ever slept with a man at all. How can she sleep comfortably with that?!

"No," She replied and added, "Mr. Cheng, you don't know me at all even a bit."

"Then, we'll get to know each other."

Is he that kind to every woman? Brielle thought.

"No, what I mean is, what if I use you? Is it fine with you?" She harshly asked even if she doesn't use anybody. "I know you, Mr. Evann Cheng, if I must say, you are a King in the City. Well, I researched you last night though."

He chuckled a bit about this woman's honesty. "So? You are my woman now that doesn't matter." He replied

It was fine for him if she used him because she is his woman now. Just...I'm speechless too.

It was pointless arguing with him anyway. She doesn't need to explain or ask anything anymore about stopping this stupid idea of being married.

"Fine, as long as we don't care about each other's business. Like what I said, I'll do what a wife should be responsible to do. Are we settled?"

Evann smiled at her and stood up. He didn't even respond to her at all. She followed him in the front door and hop in inside the car.

There was silence in the car. "Can you drop me in a cake shop?" She asked

"Hmm," He replied

The car stopped near a cake shop. She gets out of the car without even bidding goodbye. She directly went inside the cake shop while the car was leaving.

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