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"The world is an unfair place. It is a battle; the strong ones stay, and the weak ones leave." -Author.

She wanted to scream due to them. She's a smart kid, and she knows what is happening and why Sylvester wants her to be strong.

"They're dead, aren't they?" She asked in confidence, but her voice was breaking. Her eyes were bloodshot from tears crying.

"The police are coming over," Sylvester said. "Calm down."

Her phone rang from her pocket, and she doubted whether to answer it or not, but in the end, she decided to answer it.

"M-my momamita?"

[Oh dear, this is the Private Hospital. You're the last person who called your grandma. She had... Please come to the Hospital-" Before the nurse on the line continued. She interrupted her.

"W-what happened to her?! Tell me!" She was yelling, and her tears started to fall. She was kneeling on the ground and looking up at the night sky.

[Just come to the Hospital, ]

"Just answer me, p-please." She was begging, and the nurse on the line felt what she was feeling.

[Someone must have injected more potassium in her veins, which made her heart stop.]

Before she could speak, she ended the call and lay on the ground. She was crying and hardly can't breathe. She was too weak to know anything. She's just so young. She was just 15 years of age.

It was helpless. A tragic scene. She never expected that this would happen to her. Why? Of all the people, why?!

If she could change everything. Everything that ruined her will also be ruined. She clenched her fists and sighed. She was still sobbing.

"Get up," Sylvester said

She followed what he told her. His eyes were crying. "Save yourself."

She frowned. "W-what are you talking about?"

She rubbed her eyes and wiped her tears. She tried to get up and looked around. There was no Sylvester at all; she just found a man lying dead before.

She heard something break inside the house, but Sylvester just told her not to enter the house.

She decided to sneak a peek into the closest window. She saw Sylvester lying on the ground- dead.

It was Sylvester's soul that called her. She started crying once more, covering her mouth so no one could hear her. She needs to save herself.

From anyone. From pain. From anything that could harm her. It was heartless. She just can't stop herself from crying.

He even hugged her because he was already dead. He also left her alone.


It was a bright day morning. She was in a white room, and her eyes were still blurry. She heard some voices talking.

"Where am I?" She started

"You're awake."

Her vision cleared, and she saw a doctor and a nurse in their professional suit.

"Where's my family?"

She bit the tip of her tongue to stop her tears from falling. She was hoping it was all a nightmare.

"Darling, you need to rest." The doctors advised her to take a rest first, but she was so hard-headed to listen to commands or orders from anyone.

"Where?" She asked again.

"Uh, darling, they are already safe."

"Safe from what?! Tell me!" She yelled and lost her patience from what answer she deserved. She was hopeless.

"In heaven." The doctor answered back and sighed. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Please, leave me alone." She requested, and they left her without a word. They do understand how it feels to be left alone in this world.

If it wasn't because of Sylvester, she'd probably be dead by now. He knew what was going on inside, so he let her stay outside. He was protecting her like a father. It was too late.

She has lost everyone. There is no such thing as a happy ever after. She doesn't deserve this. Whatever it was, she wanted to die too.

Someone was shaking her shoulders, which made her awake.

"Brielle Lu! You are having nightmares again." A cute half-Korean woman sitting beside her. "You are crying." She looked worried with her puffy lips and short brownish hair. She does look pure Korean, though.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Mica, my sweetheart." She sighed, "I always had that bad dream over 8 years from now."

"Tsk, you need to go to the doctor. I'll pay for you not to have those nightmares."

Sweetheart or Sweetie was their endearment.

"I'm fine now, Mica." She replied and got up on the bed. "You're overreacting again."

"Gosh. If I haven't come over to your apartment, you might never wake up."

"Nope" with a pop in the letter 'p'. "I'd always be alive for you."

"Awe, you are the sweetest girl and my only best friend." She hugged her tightly and then slapped her shoulders.

"What was that for?" Brielle asked and gave her a death gaze.

"Still, you have that poker face of yours. When will you have a boyfriend, eh?" Mica smirked and jumped on Brielle's bed.

"Aiya! Stop it." Brielle commanded. "Have you eaten? I'll take you to lunch, my treat."

"Oh, okay. I'll be waiting in the living room. Don't take so long, sweetheart." Mica said and winked at her before leaving her room.

She just sighed and checked the clock. It was already 11 in the morning. Gosh, she hasn't eaten breakfast. She'll just do brunch anyways.

She took a shower and changed her clothes, and got out of her room. She looks so radiant in her simple shorts and a loose shirt.

"Are you kidding me?" Mica remarked while stuffing herself with chips. "Are we having a night out?"

"Can't I wear this?" She asked while raising her brows at her best friend.

"Yes, you do, but we're going to meet a client this afternoon, and you are wearing that. You sure?" She smirked at her and made a smile.

"Oh, yes, right! Gotta go change, your highness."

"Jeez, okay, go now. I have good food."

She went back and got out into formal clothing. Mica jumped out of the couch and dragged Brielle out of the apartment.

While riding into one of Mica's favourite cars, the newest version of Lamborghini, she suddenly asked what Brielle's nightmares were again.

"Same as usual," Brielle replied and shrugged her shoulders. "Some family being murdered."

"Really? Was it scary?"

"Hmm, it's like I was the main character of my own story." She retorted.

Mica sighed. "Maybe your apartment's haunted. Ooh, it gives me the chills."

"I hope so. So that no one can steal my crackers!" And looked at Mica with her poker face expression.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I love you so very much. I'll go grocery. You do not have food in your refrigerator."

"Awe, that's so nice of you, sweetheart. I love you more." Brielle replied and gave Mica a flying kiss.

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