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"Everything has reasons. Just go with the flow of life." -Author

Brielle ran towards the guardian of that little girl.

"Mam, mam! Wait!"


"Hmm, what happened to her?"

"I think it's a confidential miss." The woman replied.

"It's fine. I was just worried maybe I could help."

"Really?" The woman replied.

"I will really help but would you mind if I take you both to dinner?" Brielle said.


They all went to Macdonald's were one of the favorite restaurants of that little girl.

"May I ask what happened to her?" Brielle asked.

"She was too depressed, pressured, and stressed. She never overcomes anything ended up being like that. Nobody can help us cure her, she was once a good kid."

"Mam, perhaps, where are her parents?"

"Her parents died."

She remembered that Lorraine. Her parents died what if, she is Lorraine in her dreams? She would help her.

"H-how did they die?" Brielle asked

"Miss, why are you so curious about this kid? It's pointless, nobody can help her. Nobody will."

"I will, I promise. I just need some information regarding her. It's like she was familiar."

Oh goodness, now Brielle's talking to a stranger politely. The dreams affected her to be kind. Well, she is but she still looked like a vicious queen to some people.

"Her family died in a car accident a long time ago. It was a rainy day that day and they had a family trip but because of the slippery road and yeah.." The woman started sobbing. "Poor child."

Car accident? It's not possible to be her.

"Are you her guardian?"

"Yes, I'm her nanny. I have given up to the hope someone would help us."

"Anything I can do?"

"We never got back to her grandmother's mansion."

Yes! Grandmother. Lorraine has a grandmother.

"Hmm, what grandmother?"

"It's in England. They actually live in England but they had a vacation, the both of us only was alive. We can't go back there for we do not have money to."

"She's from England? What's her name?"

"I do not know what your intent. I owe this child so much but it was pointless, I have no hope to help her. It's heartbreaking that I couldn't do anything for her."

"Her name?" Brielle asked again.

"Her name..."

Brielle waited patiently. What if she was Lorraine in her dreams? But the details were unmatched? Gosh.

"Her name is Kimmy."

Brielle got disappointed. "What way can I help you?"

"Mam," The Nanny cried. "Please help her, even just her."

What if this is a scammer? Brielle asked herself. She hated the kid but loved the kid. This Nanny isn't simple or was she overthinking at all?

"I will kill you! I want to go back! Who are you?!" The kid screamed

"Kimmy, shut up!" The Nanny exclaimed making the little girl fear her.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Brielle asked.


"Kimmy! What are you doing? The lady asked you."

"You!" Brielle exclaimed and slammed the table. "Stop shouting at her."

"S-sorry Miss." The Nanny replied.

"What's your name, little girl?"

"My name is....L-Linneth." The little girl replied and smiled at her with tears in her eyes.

"Come here, Linnet," Brielle said in motherly care.

The little girl followed her and the Nanny was furious to see the scene.

"Woman! What are you doing?! She's mine!"

"Do you want me to call the police?" Brielle glared at her.

"You are a kidnapper!" The Nanny screamed making the people turned their heads. The guard alerted but Brielle was calm as hell.

"Okay," Brielle raised her brows dialing the police station. Brielle gave the address to the police. The police didn't hesitate to respond because the voice itself was so serious.

"They are coming for you, kidnaping kids,"

"How dare you turn the tables! Such a lunatic! That kid is a lunatic!" The Nanny screamed.

"Shh, noisy!" Brielle said and shot daggers at her.

She was about to run but Brielle grabbed her arms hardly pinning them to the table.

"Sit or I'll stab you with a fork."

"Y-you! Aaaaah!" The woman screamed...

The police responded and arrived sooner. They showed a poster regarding the lost child of one of the wealthiest families.

The woman was arrested for kidnapping for the police have been searching for her for kidnapping the child.

"Thank you for your cooperation, we would send the child back home. May we ask your name?" The police asked.

Brielle never watched the news lately so she never knew what was happening. She just knew the Nanny was fake.

"No. I'll be off, reporters might be coming as well, please protect my privacy."

"T-thank you for saving me." The little child smiled and hugged her tight before going back to the police. "I acted dumb for her to dispose of me. I'm lucky to meet you."

"What a smart kid is you." Brielle smiled and patted her head. "Go home safe, I'll be off."

When Brielle got back condo. She directly removed her sandals and head to her kitchen.

She saw a cake, cupcakes, fruits, and chips. "Surprise!" Mica and Veronica exclaimed.

Brielle frowned. "I guess I still need to slap myself."

"It's a surprise!" Mica exclaimed. "Happy Friendship Anniversary."

"B-but you were...." Brielle shut her mouth up processing everything.

Just wow. Nobody celebrates anniversary friendship.

"I know, I know. We are sorry too." Mica sighed and clung to her all-time sweetheart. "Sweetie, I'm sorry that you haven't focused on your painting."

"So you really were angry?" Brielle asked.

"Y-yeah, but sweetheart, I was aching at that time. I'm so sorry for that, I regret it, my conscience was killing me, it was disturbing. I couldn't live without you. I should have understood you because you've been through so much...I should have supported you in any way but...."

"Mica," Brielle hugged her tight. So tight like they have never met for years.

"I was *sob* I was shy to approach you because *sob* I said so much that could hurt *sob* you. I'm sorry sweetheart." Mica cried.

"Hush, I also made a mistake. I'm sorry..."

"I miss you, sweetie."

"So am I. Hush now, we both realized our mistakes especially me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry Veronica."

They all hugged each other.

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