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"We find love even under the rain" -Author

It's a good Friday today. May the gods bless this day and shower it with more blessings. How fast time is, isn't it?.

Brielle was staring at her new art gallery. She once believed that she'll own this and now it's hers. She was selling her artworks online and she saved a lot of money and she'll close that 'little' store she had at first.

"Hah! What a nice feeling." She smiled. "This will be opened next week so, I'm gonna prepare everything for you."

She meant the word "for you" was her baby art gallery that she dreamed of. How sweet of hers to treat such things with love.

Her art gallery was fantastic. Its interiors were modern with a little chandelier at the centre of the art gallery. It has a red carpet and a gallant wall color, hanging different paintings of hers. Her paintings are vibrant, from abstract to everything related to art.

It can attract anyone's eye. And there's a grand piano too. It's like a gallery for rich, high-class people but even if you are in the middle class, you can buy and visit the gallery. The entrance fee is quite cheap cause she's starting her gallery.

"Miss Lu," A worker called her. "We have placed CCTV's in every corner. We gotta go now."

"Okay, good. Thank you." She nodded and toured around her gallery.

It warmed her heart seeing the gallery. For hers, it was perfection. As strolling down in her gallery, one of her pieces of art caught her attention.

The painting was a bit gloomy. It was raining and a little girl watched the puddle, it was a reflection of herself. It's like the girl was doubting if she should jump or not. But a boy offered her a hand, telling her to jump over.

She called that artwork, "Love Under the Rain"

She remembered something of her paintings like she had dreamed it once but she shook her head in order to forget it.

She received a text from Mica saying that she'll not be home early. Mica's been working hard being a manager in their famous Resort.

Brielle heads out and locked the door of her baby art gallery. She sighed when she saw the thick dark clouds in the sky and it was followed by pouring rain. A heavy pouring rain perhaps.

"What bad luck!" She murmured.

Mica can't even fetch her. The Bus stop is a walk away from her gallery but she will get wet if she'll pursue to go there. It's not that far, it's just, she'll get drenched in wet.

She opened her palm and let the pouring rain hit her palms. It's kind of nostalgic. It comforted her for something she doesn't even know why.

"So, this is what Love Under the Rain meant." She murmured again and smiled.

She was talking about her paintings. It was a bit sad and a bit romantic for her. It doesn't matter cause she never tried to fall in love with anyone. Single since Birth then.

She exhaled heavily and stepped in in the pouring rain. She instantly got drenched but she was running towards the Bus Stop. It was already 5 PM, she can't just wait for the night to come.

Not until her sandals broke. Well, it was the oldest sandal and the cheapest sandal she ever had. It does look good but the quality, it's just a, no, no.

"Ah!" She screamed and looked up. The rains were pouring heavily. "You gotta be kidding me, right now?"

She removed her sandals and picked them up. She loved those sandals and now it's broken and she's even walking barefooted. A heavy sighed was released. What an unlucky day.

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