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"Love will always lead the way to two hearts," -Author

It's been days...

Her gallery was looking good especially when she posted it online. Everyone visited it and bought some of her artworks...

She may be second but she still believes in her talents.

Someone knocked at her office and entered there silently.

"Brie?" A voice of a middle-aged woman called.

Brielle looked out to see who was calling her. Her eyes widened and ran towards her.



"Nanny Malou, still following Mica's accent." Brielle smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"You don't want me here?"

"No, I mean, you were abroad with mom and dad. H-how? How did you find me."

"Of course, who wouldn't find a sweetheart who is famous for her beauty, brain, and skills? Miss Brielle Lu of course."

"Please take a seat. I'll get some drinks for you."

"No, please, I really missed you, Brie." Nanny Malou said and took a seat. "You still looked pretty. How are you by the way?"

"I'm totally fine. How about you?"

"What happened to your palm? Did you tell your mom and dad about that?"

"Nanny, I don't want mom and dad to know about this. Stay calm, I just scratched myself a little."

"Brie, your parents were really worried about you. Don't you want to go back?" Nanny Malou frowned.

"I'm old enough. I wanna build my empire if I could."

"Okay, Brie. Darling, your parents sent me here to send you a message."

"Of course ahaha, mommy still isn't good at using technologies so as daddy." Brielle laughed

"Yeah, I'll take a rest before I'll tell you what I have come here."

"Nanny Malou, you should've used technologies for you to send it to me."

"Aiya! So as I am not good at it." Nanny Malou laughed. "I'm going back to the Philippines maybe next month, after my mission."

"Awe, you missed your family so much." Brielle hugged her Nanny tight. "Alright, do you want to rest in a hotel or just my condo?"

"Anywhere would be fine."

"Well then, let's go to the hotel. You might wanna take a vacation there."

"Ahaha, that's funny. But, for you, why not? I'll let Mica assist me."

They got out to the office and went out together with Mica.

"Mica take care of Nanny Malou. She had the important information." Brielle said and laughed.

Mica winked. "Okay!" Aside from that, they'll be in Mica's hotel slash resort. The famous one and the classy one.

"Miss Lu," Veronica called


"Mr. Louis is here."

"What? Where is he?" Brielle asked

"Are you searching for me, little mad dragon or whatever?" A man spoke behind her and she turned around to see her greatest enemy. "That's sweet dognapper."

"What are you doing here?"

"Even Miss Veronica Cameron is working here." He retorted. He turned serious. So weird.

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