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"To be with you and having you will be the perfect image of a perfect marriage." -MSAY59

"WHAT?!" Louis screamed his lungs out.

Evann remained silent while reviewing some documents on his table.

"WAIT, Evann are you serious?! Who is this unlucky woman?" It's as if he's saying that Mr. Cheng is quite a dangerous person to mess with.

Evann stopped scanning and glared at Louis.

"Aiya! Haha, I mean, the unlucky means is that....haha, even your employees are scared of you, and haha you have a wife?! JUST WOW! Does she know how cold and heartless you are?!"

Evann remained silent. "Evann! Are you serious?"


Louis laughed so hard. "Okay, I don't know which woman. I hope that she would love you like for Pete's sake, I didn't even know you are interested in anybody."

Evann sighed and smiled remembering what Brielle told him. The honeymoon thing. He shooked his head while smiling.

"Oh goodness! Thank you, Lord! Woooh, I don't know if this is even possible, Evann Cheng. But, you were smiling, I dunno if it's a dangerous smile but I don't like literally see you smiling that." Clasping his hands in gratitude.

"Louis, you are acting so much," Evann said and clicked his tongue.

"Uh, yeah, maybe. I never thought you'd be married though. How about your first love?"

Oooh, speaking of first love.

"Enough." Evann authoritatively said.

"Aiya! Tell me honestly, Evann. Are you even serious about that woman? You see, you must've married a righteous woman who can make you do stuff like that. But, does your heart approved it? I mean, you still loved your first love hmm?"

Evann smiled. "Don't ever hurt a woman's feelings. You told me that and now, you are doing so? Evann?" Louis grunted.

"Are you that interested in my life?"

"Hell yeah! You were my brother ever since. Who wouldn't, it's like a miracle really. I would hit your face if I knew you are using that woman." Louis replied and grunted.

"Don't rush things, Louis. It'll always find a way," Evann retorted.

"Now, you are being a love guru. Makes sense! You are starting to like this person. I would like to meet her sometime."


"Y-you! I wanna meet your wife but I cannot? You are being selfish. Haha! I just want to meet and greet her and also congratulate her. Is there a problem? Or I wanna stole her if I never found anybody like my baby hahaha."

"Yes and no."

"Eh? You are so possessive to your wife. Okay bye, my baby girl might need some assistance for now." And Louis left.

Brielle was workaholic today. She never got out in her studio-like office. She's been reading on how to do bookkeeping, the expenditure, and so forth.

She's researching some events that would make her Gallery grow and her name grows too. And suddenly an intruder slammed the door open.


"Mica! You scared me." Brielle said in shock touching her heart in shock.

"Haha! Sweetie, where have you been? I mean, you were not in your condo like the latest condo. Nanny Malou told me where your condo is but you weren't there!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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