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"In every bad days, there's always gonna be better days."-MSAY59

It's been five days. She heard that one of her parents' businesses closes down because of the Cameron's. Her parents called her but they reassured her that everything's fine. It was already afternoon that she decided to shop.

Brielle was never a pessimist in terms of her family. Her family background is strong as hell. The Lu's may not be that famous but goodness, their family is wealthy in secret.

Brielle wanted to buy a new pair of sandals. She went inside a very famous shoe store and choose her decided shoes.

"I guess, Jessica did really accept the fact that she was sleeping with three men."
"Yeah right. She didn't even create a press conference. She's supposed to be a role model."
"I guess, she has a backup though. Don't you think it's unfair for the other participants?"
"She doesn't care about her reputation at all. She's filthy as a prostitute."
"Hey, your words are sharp. We might get fired."

"You! You are fired for backstabbing Miss Cameron!" The manager shouted.

"Oh no, who's crying now?" A familiar voice said and it was Jessica's. What a small world it is, again.

"Don't ever talk to my daughter that way. She's not like you!"

"Oh, mommy, you are the sweetest," Jessica said and clapped her hands in happiness.

Brielle didn't mind and tried Peep heels on. It suits her well and her feet looked really majestic. Her skin tone is a perfect match for any light color too.

"It suits you well, Maam. I bet your lover will fall in love with you." A sales lady complimented.

Lover? I haven't seen Evann for a while. Brielle thought.

Now she's calling him as 'Evann' not 'Mr. Cheng' anymore.

"Thank you. I'll take it," Brielle answered back.

"Okay, at the counter, please. We'll wrap it for you," The sales lady politely said.

"Brielle?! What a small world." Jessica madly let out.


"Are you following us? Do you want to work with me?!" Jessica asked and laughed. "Yeah, lowly creatures like you."

"Whatever," Brielle replied and exhaled in that piece of nuisance.

"Oooh, what happened to your dad's small business? Is it closed?" Jessica laughed mockingly.

"Do you want me to close your mouth?" Brielle answered back furiously.

Brielle was caught off guard again that Jessica's mother slapped her beautiful face.

"How dare you talk to my daughter like that! Your parents never taught you good manners?!"

"Mommy, calm down, she doesn't have a family at all."

"You peasants! You need to bow down to those rich people. We feed you! You are so useless. What are you?! Ah! The 2nd runner up?!"

Brielle remained silent and bit her lips. This is too insulting for her. She clenched her fists trying to remain calm. It is a bad idea to fight them back now. Few people are watching.

"Madam, I think, you got the wrong idea. If you'll slap me again I might do something you'd regret for the rest of your life." Brielle said in a whisper but Jessica's mother could hear it. She became nervous about her threat.

"Mommy, she is a liar," Jessica smirked and crossed her arms.

Everyone was watching them and taking videos on how they embarrass Brielle in the crowd. Evann will eventually see them anyway.

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