Chapter 20: Stalemate Associate

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Chell was thrown out of the pipe in a rather rude fashion. She had been experiencing an adrenaline rush when suddenly, the tube plunged and she was deposited in GLaDOS's lair. The first thing she noticed was the remodeled interior. Then she acknowledged the giant evil robot.

"I hope you brought more than a portal gun this time, or else you'll soon be the former president of the staying alive club. Ha. Ha," chuckled the monstrosity.

Chell heard the clank of machines as GLaDOS began to deposit turrets. Thankfully for Chell, they were all faulty.

"Oh, well," sighed GLaDOS. "I'll just use neurotoxin instead." Chell smiled as the fans whirred and nothing but oxygen poured out of the tubes. Then, almost as an afterthought, Wheatly came tumbling down the tube.

Chell reached out to catch him, but she was off by a foot. She winced as he clunked to the ground. Then, the Aperture computer's voice came on over the intercom. It was time to activate the core replacement procedure.

Chell knew she had to get to a button on the other side of the room. She narrowly avoided traps set by GLaDOS. Several times she was flung back against the walls, but finally, with a great sense of victory, she slapped her hand against the button.

The procedure began. GLaDOS cried out in protest, but soon, her input core lay on the ground, and Wheatly was triumphantly attached to the control center. He was ecstatic. He played around with the features, and Chell shared in his joy. Wheatly had found his calling. Chell would leave, but this little robot would stay and supervise the facility. She was sure of that.

She got in the lift as it rose. Chell looked up and smiled. Then the lift jerked to a stop. She looked down puzzled. Wheatly was having it out with GLaDOS. No! thought Chell. She wanted to go. Wheatly could serve his justice later. Suddenly, GLaDOS was placed in the core swap machine again, and a potato battery emerged. Chell remembered constructing one of them during the Bring Your Child to Work Day. They were all over Aperture.

Wheatly taunted GLaDOS. What is he doing!? agonized Chell. He was wasting time. Then Wheatly lost his temper. His new robot arm flung out and knocked GLaDOS- now POTATos- into the void. The arm's momentum carried it around and it knocked Chell's elevator off its rail and threw her into the hole after the potato.

You moron, thought Chell as she hurtled into the pit.

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