Chapter 25: Prometheus Rising

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Chell gasped as they ascended into the Aperture Science Hall of Science. With the help of this persistent GLaDOS (and physics) Chell had made it to the main maintenance elevator. She hadn't known it led into the Hall of Science. Chell walked along the corridors, her hand brushing the columns. She looked in a room and picked up a picture frame of Drs. Greg, Doug, and Henry, the chief inventors at Aperture.

She set the picture down, unaware that the blueprint that had been on the wall behind dropped something. It rolled under the table. The blueprint on the wall would have been regarded as nothing remarkable, just an icebreaker ship. The smaller blueprint on the floor, however, showed the treasure thst was inside that ship. The blueprint would remain hidden for a while, but someone would find it eventually. As for the actual ship, someone was looking for it right at the moment.

Chell pushed open a final heavy door with the Aperture Science Innovators sign on it. A hallway lit by a flickering bare bulb was on the other side, and Chell climbed the stairs. She emerged back/ in the Aperture Science offices. She had done it.

But she was still inside the lab. What next? wondered Chell. What would she do next? She could her a voice coming from down a hallway. She crept toward it, only to discover a testing chamber. Wheatly's orb was on a screen, monitoring the odd test subjects. The testees in question were a strange hybrid of turret and storage cube. Wheatly was trying to coach them into getting on a button and going out the door.

"No, you bliddy idiots!" he cried. "Get on the button. It's not that hard to understand!"

Chell leaned over the edge, and then, she fell in. Wheatly was taken aback with surprise.

"You?" he asked. Chell looked up. If she was in here, she should at least try to get out. She picked up one of the box turrets and placed it on the buttin, then hurried out the door. At the intersection, she entered another door- which led her right back into the same chamber.

Wheatly snickered. Chell was disgusted. She thought this person was her friend. He had just wanted to be in power. She looked at GLaDOS. Her enemy was now her ally, and vice versa. If Wheatly constructed these tests, then she would get out of here by doing what she did best, her skill that she had used to get out of every sticky situation.

She would test.

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