4 | Meeting Him

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❛ Hello, I am Sirius Black ❜

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❛ Hello, I am Sirius Black ❜


"CATHERINE ROSAMUND YOU MUST MAKE HASTE!" Elizabeth Rosamund's voice boomed in the whole Rosamund Mansion. Today the whole Rosamund family had to meet their Catherine's fiance and discuss their deal.

Catherine on the other side stood
all dolled up in her room infront of the mirror holding a bitter look. Today she will be sold by her parents. Her mother did a flawless job in doing makeup which hid all of Catherine's tear stained cheeks and dark bags under her eyes.

As she descended downstairs her father gave a nod before apprating them to Catherine's in law's house. Catherine saw a huge manor although it was gloomy but still it screamed rich. Francis Rosamund led them in ordering the house elf to inform his master about their arrival. The elf returned telling them that they can meet his master in the living room.

"You stay outside we will call you and remember tk behave" Elizabeth said to her daughter sternly, Catherine nodded pursing her lips.

Her parents went inside after a few moment angry hissing could be heard. Catherine's heart was threatening to explode because of the anxiety.

She didnt even knew in whose house she was standing there were no pictures nothing just old gloomy worn out paintings. The grumpy elf came once in a while eyeing her and leaving muttering something under his breath.

She didnt knew what was going to happen to her after today, either the man will accept her or she will be well...

She looked at the ring which had been stuck to her finger since her birth, the ring was charmed or as she would say cursed, it was the ring of the person she was going to get married. If the person rejects her she may lose her life, thats how cruel both their families were.

"Miss Rosamund is expected by her parents in the living room" The grumpy elf came out of nowhere and snarled at her causing her to flinch at her spot and disappeared. She went to the living room inhaling sharply before twitching the doorknob to step in.

She stepped in not meeting anyone's eyes, but could feel the intense gazes on her, her loudly thumping heart knew now she was in the same room ad her fiance. But to not show any reaction is a necessary thing in purebloods "Your fiance" Her mother said.

"May i have a moment alone with her?" The person standing infront of her said causing her to freeze on her spot. Her breath hitched, she was internally screaming. Her mother and father nodded and left the room leaving the two fiances alone.

𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 ⚯͛ 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now