3 | I Like Your Eyes

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Catherine's breath hitched as the man with the grey eyes slowly clasped their hands togather and his other hand finding his way around her small waist. She felt sparks ignite through the fabric of her dress where his hand touched.

She was still staring in his grey eyes, he was quite a lot taller than her making it difficult for her to hold her gaze that high, so her gaze slipped down from his eyes to his chest, his white shirt underneath the black coat was unbuttoned from top revealing numerous small weird tattoos on his neck and chest. She gulped removing her eyes from there.

"So what might your name be?" The man whispered causing her to look up back at him. They were both swaying slowly to the slow music in rythm comfortably.

"What's yours?" Catherine dodged back the question and saw his lips twitched upwards.

"Fine lets us both keep our secrets."

Trying to keep her breathing steady she gulped and resisted his gaze which she could feel burning on her. She was not feeling uncomfortable just different, as she neared him even an inch she felt herself flaring up and when she stepped even a bit away she felt the warmth seep off.

Suddenly he spinned her around and now her bare back collided with his chest, while their interwined arms rested above her abdomen. She inhaled sharply as she could feel his hot breath fan above her shoulder and and neck. Her back felt like it was set on fire, as she was fully pressed against him.

"You seem perfect..in dance" He whispered bringing his mouth down to her ear causing bolts of shivers run down her spine. She did not realise but her chest was heaving heavily, it was soon when most of the couple scurried away and the spotlight was now trained on them.

"Y-You too" She replied, and in an instant he again spinned her around now snaking both his arms around her waist causing her to wrap hers around his neck.

Only if he knew a hammer inside her was threatening to break her rib cage, she never imagined she would be dancing with an unknown man so intimately. Everything about that unknown man caused butterflies within her.

"What time is it?" She asked in a whisper.

"Around three" He replied huskily, she shivered at the intensity of his deep voice. She remembered she had to leave in a couple of hours, also she was feeling very drowsy. Suddenly she was brought out of her trance as he spoke up again.

"I like your eyes."

"I like yours too."

Both kept staring and boring their eyes in each other, Catherine had never felt what she was feeling now, different, unexplainable, unique, in a good way. She was liking it.

Both swayed together to the slow music, the room started clearing off, it was now around four and both decided to sit and have a few drinks, she was now feeling her head heavy, she had never stayed up till so long.

"I still dont know your name." He spoke up again hand her drink.

"I dont know yours too." she said simply shrugging and saw his lips twitching upwards.

"Do you come here often?" She asked, both had still not removed their masks and Catherine was thankful he didnt ask her to. Without seeing his face, she could tell he was much older than her, because of his personality although nothing in him told her old, he seemed quite fashionable and attractive.

He shrugged in reply, she did not ask further and both fell in a serene silence, soft background music filling their ears. Finishing her drink she slowly stood up gaining a confused look from the stranger.

"I have to leave." She said in a quite tone.


She didnt know why she stopped in front of him, staring for a brief moment and didnt know where did she get the courage to lean down towards his face and peck his cheek, both of them were startled by her sudden action.

"I wish I could stay longer.. but I have to go." Catherine whispered pulling away staring in those captivating grey eyes for the last time.

And with that she left, knowing she wont forget the only night she was free.


"Am I invited in the wedding?" Lucy asked excitedly. Catherine reached her friend's home quitely without letting the house members know and both the girls now pretended to be woken up from the sleepover.

"I fear if I'll be there in my own wedding or not." Catherine said dryly.

"I am the maid of honour" Lucy said dismissively ignoring her best friend's previous statement, Catherine rolled her eyes sighed slouching down on the bed.

"Oh Cat, dont be sad- you'll be fine." Lucy cooed.

"I wish there was a way to escape from this, just one way and I would have done that way before." Catherine said rubbing her face from tiredness.

"Oh, let me give you an idea, get married to the man, and murder him in his sleep, then runaway with the money."

"Piss off!"

Suddenly there was a knock on Lucy's bedroom door, and Lucy called in whoever it was. The house elf, Penny came in. "Mistress has asked Ms. Rosamund to get ready, she will be escorted to the Rosamund Manor"

Catherine grumpled standing up going inside the washroom to get ready. Happiness and peace doesnt lasts long in her life. After getting ready now she was having a posh breakfast with Lucy's parents.

"I heard you are going to get married." Lucy's mother asked, a bit coldly.

"Yes Mrs. Whitemoore." Catherine said shortly.

"Its pleasant to know, we have been searching for an eligible man for Lucy too, hopefully we'll find one soon." Lucy's mother said making her roll her eyes internally. While Catherine shot a smirk to her.

Every pureblood girl has to go through this, it was nothing new, but as the time changed, slowly such thoughts and beliefs started fading off, but still stayed in some powerful pureblood families, Rosamunds being one of them.

As the day went on, Catherine liked it much better at her friend's house but now the house elf came again informing that she has to leave for her house, as it was time and her mother had requested her back home.

Catherine reached her home back instantly being greeted by her mother and father sitting in the living room seeming to be waiting only for her to arrive. She slowly made her way to them and slightly feared their judgemental gaze, they stared at her intently. What if they got to know that I spent my night in muggle world!?

"Catherine.." Her breath hitched on her father's cold voice.

"Yes Father?"

"Tomorrow we are taking you to your fiance's house"


A/n: Guys I have decided that I will update this book on every alternate day, because its kind of difficult to run three books altogether. So pls consider voting and commenting if you like the chaoters and also share! Love you!


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