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❛ Good night Love ❜

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❛ Good night Love ❜


It had been almost two weeks since Harry and his friends arrived at the Black House. Catherine was happy with their presence the whole time.

But she got barely any time to spend with her fiance. Sirius would most of the time be busy at the order or everyone would be together. So in front of everyone she was just the daughter of his friends nothing more.

Right now Catherine layed in her bed in her personal room, separated from Sirius. She did not like it alone here. The whole time before Harry arrived with his friends she spent with Sirius. She would eat with him, read with him, sleep with him just everything.

But today couldnt sleep at all. Her room was not the best but it was not the worst either. It was like everyone's rooms, and was average if asked. But still it made her feel alone.

She tossed and turned for hours not being able to sleep, and finally sat on the bed turning the table lights on and sighed looking at the wall cloak it was half past two at night and sleep was far away from her eyes.

She finally plucked up the courage and left her room going straight to her and Sirius' where nowadays Sirius slept alone. The lights were out and everyone was sound asleep she could even hear snores coming from Ron's room.

She quickly made her way to her fiance's room and knocked softly. No response so she knocked again a bit louder but quite enough to not wake others. She sighed and smiled at hearing a sleepy 'coming'.

Sirius opened the door rubbing his eyes, Catherine's breath hitched on seeing he was not wearing a shirt. He blinked rapidly on making it was her and gave her confusing look.

"Hi" She said in a whisper, and mentally face palmed on her stupidity.

Sirius was startled confused and bewildered, firstly his eyes fell on what she was wearing, a short black and silver night dress. He gulped and peeked his head out looking around if anyone was there. He saw no one other than her so quickly pulled her inside the room, shut the door closely behind.

"What happened?" He asked worried.

Catherine now regretted coming here, she had such a stupid reason for showing up at his doorstep at three in night. She looked down embarrassed biting her lip on what to say.

"Dont do that" Sirius whispered making her look at him wide eyed.

"What?" She asked staring at him.

𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 ⚯͛ 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now