23 | Romione

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   Ron's voice boomed happily in the house as Catherine and Sirius entered. Everyone gathered quickly in the living room welcoming the couple from their honeymoon. Both were immediately bombarded with the questions about how was Paris?

    Ron cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention and glanced at Hermione who held a confused look. He began with a smile "So as everyone knows here, that Hermione is the love of my life and I wish to spend rest of my life with her—"

    All the girls in the room gasped loudly shocked, gaining wierd looks from the boys.

    Ron sheepishly scratched the back of his head going towards Hermione who could be seen internally trembling with excitement, nervousness and shock. As Ron stood in front of her with a smile he began.

    "Hermione Jean Granger" Catherine clutched to Sirius' hand as her heart welled up while Ron continued "You and I have been friends ever since, we fought that troll in our first year, I still remember how you remarked about the dirt on my nose on our train ride–"

    A tearful chuckle from Hermione interrupted him, everyone watched the two in awe. Ron cleared his throat again and continued "I have been fascinated by you ever since, though I was a prat at showing it to you that how much you mean to me, but today– I want to tell you all of it–"

    "Oh god!" Hermione let out a squeaky cry clamping her hands on her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. Ron smiled towards her holding her hand "Mione, You've been my best friend, my girlfriend and my soulmate all in one, and now I want to add one more to it—"

   He detached their hands and took a step back, digging his hands in his pocket and taking out a small box kneeling down opening it, revealing a cute diamond ring in it making Hermione squeal and cry happy tears.

    "Will you marry me Mione?"

    "SAY YES!!" Everybody yelled.

    "Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" Hermione squealed jumping on her spot happily before launching herself on Ron bringing him in a tight hug, as he picked her up doing a little spin and kissed her before setting her down.

    "May I?" He asked holding his hand out. Hermione blushed through tears slipping her right hand in his "You may"

    Ron slipped the ring in her finger while everyone in the room clapped and cheered loudly congratulating them. The whole day went by like this.

    Sirius once caught his wife crying a little, happily. He immediately asked her worriedly what happened, shaking her head she placed it on his shoulder half hugging him and smile before mumbling. "They look so good together"

    Ron and Hermione were feeding each other occassionally, Catherine always found the two really cute. Sirius placed a kiss in her hair before pulling her face up cupping it and making her look at him. "But still not as much as we do."

   Catherine playfully hit him shaking her head with a smile and turned back to the couple watching them from a little afar, she loved watching love stories being completed.


"Its getting really late now" Catherine mumbled to herself worriedly. She was alone in the noble house of Black, just Kreacher with her, rest all left already and Sirius was out with Remus as today was full moon night.

    Catherine knew Remus was a werewolf, because she too attended Hogwarts and he was her Professor in her seventh year. But she couldnt understand why did Sirius had to accompany him tonight. He told her he'll be back soon and safe.

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