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"And then we had you!" Catherine smiled brightly at the two munchkins sitting in front of her while her husband had his head lazily leaning on her shoulder as he heard her tell their story to their kids like it was a fairytale.

"Wow Mum, you should write a book about it!" A seven year old Diana exclaimed excitedly earning a chuckle from Catherine.

"Wonder what would be the title?" Leo asked as his eyes jumped on everyone present in the room, Kreacher included. Catherine hummed thinking and glanced down at her husband on the verge of sleeping, "Sirius, what would be the title?"

"Magic bands!" Diana exclaimed as her eyes shined at the rings in her parents fingers. Leo didnt like the idea maybe as he suggested,"Black Rose!"

Sirius stared at his kids impressed not believing they were actually his, but then he remembered, they were also his wife's and they were much like her in intelligence.

"How about Enchanted?" Sirius smirked up at his wife with smiling eyes gaining a smile back as Catherine gave a shake of head, "It'd be 'Enchantment'."

"Cool." Diana nodded and turned to Kreacher to check if he liked the name, he nodded back at her causing Diana to smiled widely. Leo let out a yawn and pushed his father away from his mother making space for himself in his mother's lap causing Sirius to give an offended look.

"What? She is my mum." Leo retorted at the squinty look from his father, "Well she is my wife first."

"Oh come on you big baby, stop fighting like that," Diana pulled her father and crawled up at him, "He's just a kid dad, you've got to act mature, atleast in front of him."

Catherine laughed at the face Sirius made at their daughter's remarks. Diana always spoke like a mother to him and for some reasons he was glad that he again had a strict but sweet mother much much better than his real one.

"Okay now its too late, lets go to sleep." Catherine said and saw how her son whined in her lap, while Sirius was already giving a piggy back ride to Diana to the kids room. "Come on Leo, dont to want to go with Teddy tomorrow?"

Leo's eyes lit up as he remembered him and Teddy were going for a mini quidditch match with their fathers early in the morning so no muggles would intrude. He shot up from the couch and quickly gave a good night kiss on his mother's cheek running to his room.

"Dont run!" Catherine chuckled as Leo sprinted on the stairs. Getting up she made her way to her bed room, switching the lights off of the living room, shs smiled at the elf, "Have a good night, Kreacher."

Kreacher smiled bowing and left. Catherine passed by the walls of her house decorated with their family pictures. Her favourite one was when she first became a mother. A tiny Leo bundled in her arms while Sirius had a hand clamped over his mouth standing behind his wife as he tearfully stared at his child.

That was eight years ago. And just an year and half later, Catherine got pregnant with Diana. One of the most blissful moments of her life.

Since past eight years her life had been remarkably good. The four, including Kreacher lived like a normal happy family and so much loved the idea of it, as they would frequently act like muggles living among them. It had been fun.

Leo and Diana go to a muggle school until they get their acceptance letter from Hogwarts. Sirius and Catherine bought a car to pretend to be a muggle couple while going to pick up their kids from school. She loved the peaceful muggle-y life.

Teddy and Leo were best friends and so were Diana and Anna, Remus and Tonks' daughter same age as Diana.

After giving birth to her two kids, Catherine finally pursued her career. She became a healer in a few years of time after practising. Sure it had been very difficult while having two infants to look after but Catherine's parents helped her whole heartedly.

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