27 | Shocking News

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Having spent a whole month alone in the noble house of Black, Catherine was utterly bored. Though she still had Kreacher with her but that was not enough. Sirius must have informed Harry and his friends and Remus and Tonks about it and they frequently visited her and she had a great time with them.

    Catherine's days passed with her preparing for her Healer's enterance exam. Touching the academic books after so long was surely difficult, but she found a little excitement in it as well. She just wanted to utilise her time, and was prepared a lot for her future dream.

   Her internship would start next month as she had discussed with the heads and she was just a lot excited and also was awaiting Sirius' reaction to all this. In the whole course of time she had barely exchanged any letter with him. He was so busy. She didnt want to admit but she had a breakdown couple of times due to missing him. Ahh young love... In her case.

    She knew could not even write to him as he was on a mission and it would be dangerous for him to reply to her letters or if her letters go in wrong hands, also she knew his addresses were being changed constantly. Besides all this, she feared one thing, what if he came across any girl? She was feeling insecure, she wouldnt deny it.

   He was handsome as well, flirty, and any girl could fall for him and his looks, but she had faith, she knew his promises were real and he wouldnt cheat on her ever. Right? She hoped so.

   Missing him so much brought her to go through his childhood pictures where she also saw her father and brother in law. Regulus Black. She knew about his tragic story, via Kreacher. He was a hero in her opinion, he died a hero. She just wished if she meet him once, but that was not possible.

    Catherine was living her life dully at Grimmauld Place, her parents invited her to join them many times until Sirius comes back but she denied politely, because she didnt want to leave Kreacher alone, he too was her family.

   And besides all this over the course of the whole month Catherine had several things changed in her body, her appetite increased gradually, she had morning sickness, her head, chest, stomach and just everything hurt, maybe she was missing him so much, but she didnt know how does missing him so much was anywhere related to her throwing up constantly.

   Busying herself in her studies she tried to ignore her sickness, as it was not anything harmful, she could tolerate it. But her mood swings were so disturbing, she gave Kreacher a fright many times due to the sudden changes in her behavior.

    Right now sitting in her room studying she was disturbed by a peck on her window and saw an unfamiliar owl sitting there. Rushing to it with great enthusiasm, having a feeling that it must be from him, she took the letter from the owl, unfolding and reading it.

   And much to her gladness it indeed was from him. 

   Dear Cat,

   I am missing you sooo much.

   I am sorry I could not right to you in all this time because it was not possible with constantly changing our locality, also there was a threat of being caught. But now I am glad to share this news with you that I am coming back!

   Just a couple of days and I will be with you, my love.

   Yours Sirius.

    Her heart fluttered with all the butterflies blooming within her. The biggest smile ever dangled on her face as she started doing her own weird dance alone in room to her own music in mind. He was coming back!

   Suddenly her stomach started making weird sensation as her hand automatically went to clamp over her mouth and other over her stomach. Ah here it comes again.. she rushed to the bathroom once againt throwing up for the second time in the day.

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