Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: K University

Y/N walks toward the inside of K University, where he sees a few individuals walking around wearing casual clothing. Y/N shifts his eyes towards the woman at the counter.

Therefore, he walks toward the counter while holding the handle of his two big suitcases, he stops in front of the table and stares at the woman who's looking at herself in a mirror.

“Excuse me, I'm Son Y/N the new student, and I'm just thinking,” Y/N says, “where will I stay?”

The woman shifts her face towards Y/N with a peaceful expression, then she crouches and vanishes from his eyesight.

Y/N's eyes explore the calm surrounding, then the woman stands up and places a black folder on the desk with red writing on it.

“There you go,” the woman spoke while staring at Y/N.

Y/N notices her, then he looks at the smooth and clean desk and sees a black folder on it. Y/N picks it up and inquires about it. “What is this for?”

The woman answers Y/N while looking at her phone. “That folder is the only proof of you being a ‘new student' here, once you've lost it, then we'll have no choice,” she shifts her eyes toward Y/N, “but to delete your existence.”

Y/N was quickly intimidated by her eyes staring upon him, Y/N moves his eyes slowly towards the folder.

He thought to himself. “What kind of university have I joined myself in?”

A footstep approaches the confused Y/N, he halts beside him. “I believe that you are looking for your room?”

Y/N veers towards the tall bulky man beside him, and he glances at the woman over the counter only to see an empty unoccupied desk.

“Hm… Yes.” Y/N moved his eyes toward the tall bulky man, then he nodded toward him.

The unsmiling tall bulky man raises his hand beside him while staring at Y/N. “This way is the path towards the boy's dormitory. Now, you may follow me.”

He started to move towards the path that he had pointed out, Y/N walk along with him, the unsmiling tall bulky man steps beside Y/N.

“That looks heavy… Let me carry it.” He lent his hands towards Y/N.

Y/N examines his hands, then he says, “Are you sure?”

The unsmiling tall bulky man only responded to Y/N with a serious gaze on him. As a result, Y/N felt convinced by his answer.

Then Y/N bestows his two big suitcases towards the unsmiling tall bulky man, which he takes.

Unexpectedly, a tall woman wearing a jacket bumps so hard into Y/N causing him to fall on the ground, yet the unsmiling tall bulky man grabs Y/N's back; preventing him from his downfall.

“Still the same brat eh?!” the unsmiling tall bulky man raised his voice over the woman.

The tall woman scoffs. “It's his fault, not mine… Also, don't ever forget to step aside when you see me, idiot.”

Y/N stands up and just gawks toward the terrorless tall woman, the unsmiling tall man's mood turned into a mad one.

“He's just new here, Chou Tzuyu, no need to act like an uneducated woman,” The tall bulky man spoke, which provokes Tzuyu to stride away from them.

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