Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Smoke

Y/N and Hyunjin are standing two steps in-between each other. Hyunjin smiles slyly and he snaps his fingers, causing the whole place they're in to fade away to smoke.

Y/N looks everywhere only to see people nearby vanish to smoke altogether with the whole structure they're at.

Hyunjin laughs softly. “Who are you to interfere with someone's fate?”

Y/N looks at him and narrows his wide eyes. “Go away! I'll save them! Yes, I'll save them.”

Hyunjin starts to move little by little, he speaks calmly. “You are an incredible, idiot person. How can you say that you can save them! Actions are easy to plan, but when it comes to commencing your plan; betrayal and bad things start to occur.”

“I'll give it all even if it'll be my end!” Y/N commenced moving forward at a fast pace.

Hyunjin does the same, both of them raise their fists and thrust them, causing their fists to hit each other. The whole place vanished completely, leaving them inside a forest, Hyunjin's face moves aside forcefully by Y/N's foot.

Hyunjin looks forward and dashes onwards Y/N, Y/N closes the gap between them and raises his foot then turns around delivering a swing of his foot to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin slaps Y/N's foot away causing him to fall on the ground. Y/N raises his hands only to catch Hyunjin's foot.

Hyunjin pushes his foot; pushing Y/N's hands, causing him to grit in anger. Hyunjin bounces away from Y/N and he lands with ease on the ground, his eyes become large and a sharp punch hits his face causing him to fly away; he hits the ground and bounces a few times.

Y/N moves his eyes everywhere and sees the tall trees, dark skies with the dull orb, bright stars, and the twinkling stars.

Hyunjin stands up and uses his fingers to wipe a red liquid off from the side of his lip, he moves his face down and sees blood on his index finger causing him to laugh amusedly.

He looks forward only to seeing Y/N looking everywhere, he speaks, “Fighting a regular human sure is fun. Son Y/N it is nice to meet you.

“The whole coffee shop we're at is only made from my smoke.”

Y/N looks at him and performs his battle stance, he furrows his brow. “Well then, how did you bring me in the middle of a forest?”

Hyunjin raises his hands and opens his mouth: releasing his breath of exhaustion. Hence, he replies calmly. “Are you fooling me? Don't you get it? I'm not alone here, I have a trusted companion.”

Y/N flips aside from his position, a red smoke appears only to be followed by a man who comes out of it; thrusting his knife only to hit the air.

Y/N yawns. “Man! Hyunjin sure is right, fighting is tiring my soul.”

The red smoke vanishes from the body of a person who suddenly appeared. It is a man, hence he looks at Y/N with a calm look. “You're Son Y/N, the man who can stand against Blackpink. I am Changbin and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Y/N tilted his head with wide eyes. “Am I that famous?”

Changbin smiles widely followed by a noisy laugh, he stops laughing. His look becomes so serious that it sends shivers to Y/N.

“How come can you save them? Do you know that we are not ordinary people?” Changbin says with a hint of seriousness, “saving them isn't your job in the first place, you'll only be an obstacle that will only lead ITZY to their downfall.”

“I CAN SAVE THEM!” Y/N yelled loudly.

Hyunjin looks narrowly at Y/N, Changbin begins to saunter towards Y/N while remaining in his serious state.

“Let's go, Hyunjin!” Changbin hollered causing Hyunjin to move at full speed ahead of him.

Hyunjin jumps toward Y/N, while in mid-air he spins and thrusts his foot forward delivering a swing of his foot onwards Y/N, yet Y/N suddenly stoop to the ground.

Y/N extends his hands to the ground, and with that, he pushes himself up, delivering a sharp kick and it reaches Hyunjin's balls. A red smoke suddenly appears which covers Hyunjin and then a hand comes out from the red smoke. Y/N was shocked to see the hand.

The hand grabs Y/N's foot and throws him forward, causing Y/N to roll on the ground. Changbin comes out from the red smoke, Y/N stands up while clenching his teeth and then he sees Hyunjin coming out from the red smoke near Changbin.

Y/N clenches his fists. “You! Your ability! It grants you to switch places with someone.”

Changbin raises his hands and he strikes them against each other while smirking. “You sure are smart and kinda professional when it comes to combat, right? Rain's student?”

Y/N steps back a few times while being in a state of shock. He stops moving and roars, “HOW DARE YOU USE THAT NAME?!”

“How dare I?” Changbin started to move at full speed, hence Y/N performed another battle stance.

“That's the move!” Changbin hops from the ground, “The ancient—!”

Y/N suddenly appears in front of him, and now he is terrified, Y/N thrusts his sharpened hands hitting every part of Changbin's body; Changbin rotates a bit but his feet were grabbed by Y/N and so Y/N stomps on his abdomen.

A red smoke suddenly appears from Changbin's body; covering him, Y/N moves his hand back and thrusts it forward delivering a strong force towards the red smoke; the red smoke was destroyed and Hyunjin comes out from it

Changbin comes out from the other red smoke that arose on the ground, Changbin sprints toward Hyunjin but he was too late due to the reason that Hyunjin had already hit the ground.

Y/N lands on the ground causing slight cracks to form underneath his feet. He starts to move towards Changbin who's kneeling beside the unconscious Hyunjin. Y/N raises his other and moves it side-to-side; removing the dust off the sole of his foot.

Yuna was sent flying from the second level of their mansion down to the ground of the living room. Yuna grits her teeth as she begins to stand up and she hears a loud feminine laugh causing her to look at it.

Rose is coming down from the second level by the use of stairs, Yuna does her fighting stance and she speaks, “Y/N was always there for me! Now it's time for me to stand up for myself!”

Yuna's hair begins to stand up, hence it moves swiftly forward to Rose, but Rose unexpectedly jumps aside causing the hair of Yuna to hit the wall.

“Your ability to use your hair in a battle is kinda rare,” Rose speaks, “but bringing you down will be your last one using your feet.”

Rose swings her hand and Yuna pulls her hair from the wall and it hits the thorns right back to Rose. Rose scrambles toward her, she pulls a thorn from her other forearm and it comes out as a tall, sharp stick.

She thrusts it into Yuna's hand only for a red smoke to unexpectedly appear and wraps Yuna's whole body.

A figure comes out from the red smoke, hence it slams its body against Rose sending her flying away.

Rose crashes through the stairs, the red smoke which was covering Yuna's whole body: vanishes.

Yuna's eyes widen upon seeing and recognizing the figure who saved her, she yells, “Y-Y/N! You came!”

Author notes: Keep safe! Don't forget to take a rest, and eat well!

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