Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Decisive, Deadly Resolve

Inside a dark room where the moonlight is streaming through the glass window, in a bed; two naked individuals whose half of their body is covered by a blanket are sleeping peacefully.

One of them wakes up, he looks at the woman beside him whose head is resting on his arm and her hand is on his naked chest.

“Yuna...” he whispered, hence he leans closer to her forehead and gives it a peck of his lip.

Then he looks away from her, hence he closes his eyes once again and begins to sleep.

In chaotic sandy territory, three men are strolling around; one of them runs over to Bambam who's lying unconscious on the ground.

He lifts Bambam's head, his eyes glow to the color of white; a white light emerges from his eyes towards Bambam's whole face.

He clicks his tongue as he scowls. “Bambam is badly beaten up! I'm sure that one of those BLACKPINK bitches did this!”

One of his companions goes over him, he kneels beside him, and puts his hand on his back; rubbing it. “Jinyoung, he'll be fine. Bambam went through a lot with all of you, so this fight between him and his allies has no chance to erase him from his existence.”

Jinyoung moves his eyes to the man who's kneeling beside him. “I hope so... Lee Know.”

Inside a room, a pair of eyes of a young man open, in front of him was a beautiful, adoring woman looking closer to his face.

“Good morning, Y/N!” Yuna spoke with a smile on her lip.

Y/N's eyes go wide and it blinks. “Oh! Yuna... Well good morning!”

Yuna moves her eyes down at his chest, hence she touches it with her finger, then she gently moves it downwards.

“You know...” Yuna moves her eyes up at Y/N's eyes which are looking in her eyes, “I'm in the mood... Maybe we could, you know~”

Y/N moves his face aside, and he gulps. “I-I...”

Yuna moves her hand gently towards his naked crotch, Y/N's eyes go wide while looking at Yuna. Yuna smiles slyly, then she leans her face closer to his face; their lips touch each other, then Yuna uses her tongue to enter his shut lip.

Y/N decided to open his lip only for Yuna's tongue to dominate him, and so she moved on top of him; they continue to kiss while Yuna moves her naked crotch against his naked crotch.

Y/N couldn't prevent making such perverted sounds as he is being overwhelmed by Yuna, the bed shakes rapidly as they proceed to have sex.

Afterward, what happened at the two, Yuna is racing against Y/N, which seems to be tiring.

Yuna yells as she reaches the bottom part of the stairs. “I DID IT!”

She looks back at Y/N who's walking sluggishly, and she shouts with a grin. “YOU LOST! YOU'RE THE SLOWEST FIRST BOYFRIEND THAT I EVER HAVE!”

Y/N opens his lip widely and he breathes deeply then shortly releases a short, strong breath. He suddenly stops walking after realizing what she said.

“BOYFRIEND?! I AIN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND!” Y/N squealed as red tints occurred on his cheeks.

Yuna shouts from the kitchen. “YES, YOU ARE!”

Y/N finally reaches the bottom of the stairs, hence he moves his face at the small, round entrance of the kitchen.

He mumbles, “What is she cooking right now?”

A strong loud sound of an object hitting the wooden door was heard by both of them. Y/N suddenly feels the cold feeling which moves on his whole body at a fast pace.

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