Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: The Deep Truth

Inside a wide living room, three women are talking to each other; it's a serious talk between them.

One of them, a woman with short hair, speaks in an annoyed tone. “HOW CAN YOU DO THAT YUNA?!”

“Don't shout at her, Ryujin!” Lia yelled at Ryujin.

Ryujin throws her back on the sofa where she's sitting, she looks furiously at Yuna who's looking down.

Yuna fiddles her fingers. “I-I did that because I wanted him to stop protecting me. I feel weak every time he stands up for me.”

Her answer wasn't enough to calm Ryujin, she looks aside as she grits her teeth in anger. She says, “That's why he's protecting you! Because he's our ally. I know that I don't know anything about him, but whenever I see him, I can feel that he's trustworthy.”

Chaeryeong shouts in agony as she's driven by Sana's kick, Y/N holds Sana's clothed shoulder and shoves her away from him, bringing her down to the cold concrete ground.

Y/N kneels beside Chaeryeong, she looks at him in worry. “Y/N, why are you assisting me?”

“What do you mean?” Y/N asked as he checked her whole body.

“They're your wives, right? Then you should take care of them not throw them away,” she said and catches a slight appearance of a figure running towards them.

Her whole body shakes after she recognizes that Sana is scrambling towards them. Y/N's calm mood changes to an angry one.

He stands up from the ground and quickly turns around; he shoves his open hand hitting Sana's clothed chest, putting a stop to her movement.

“Why did I feel frightened earlier?” Y/N asked himself.

Sana looks at Y/N while her anger is assembling inside her, she speaks calm yet furious. “How dare you hit me? DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO AM I?!”

“Yes,” a smirk forms on his lip, “you are Minatozaki Sana, the sister of Mina and Momo. Now, I'm afraid that we must go.”

Y/N moves his face slightly behind him, he sees Chaeryeong nod at him. He turns around and immediately sprints at Sana.


She receives multiple kicks on her clothed abdomen up to her chin propelling her upwards, Y/N quickly grabs both of her ankles and spins around; he opens his hands delivering Sana onwards to Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong turns around while lifting her foot, hence it hits Sana's clothed chest causing her to spin. Both Y/N and Chaeryeong sprint away from Sana who's lying senseless on the ground.

“Our teamwork's not bad!” Chaeryeong chased the pace of Y/N's movement.

“It was nothing, we must get out of here before they pursue us!” Y/N declared.

Y/N jumps and spins around kicking the arrow that's going towards him. Hence, he lands with ease on the ground and continues to run.

Chaeryeong enters her car and Y/N enters the door beside the seat of the driver's seat.

“Your car is not bad!” Y/N grinned as he explored the inside of Chaeryeong's car.

“Thanks... I guess?” Chaeryeong chuckled as she started the engine of her car; she begins to drive her car away.

“Surprise!” a female showed herself from the passengers' seat making them look at her.

“Yeji?” Y/N said.

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