Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Thorns of a Medicine

Her hand closes, then it shakes at a rapid motion, her teeth clenched, and her eyes are filled with animosity against Rose who is standing on top of the giant stalk which emerged from the paved road.

Her two summons: Ryujin and Chaeryeong remain standing at each side of the giant stalk's bottom portion. Yugyeom moves his eyes at Bambam and Mia who are standing beside each other, then he moves his eyes away from them, he looks at Rose.

“What are you three going to do?” Rose asked, her lips slowly curving upward.

Mia moves her face down, she recalls some fragments of her memory which was the moment that she was with her friends, actually, her former friends.

At a huge place with buildings which seem to be destroyed, shattered cars which are scattered everywhere on the road with few small craters on it, three young women are walking leisurely.

One of them speaks, “Is this where the two of you are going to train me?”

She moves her eyes everywhere, hence she sighs. “Mia and Ryujin noona! Answer me...”

Ryujin scrunches her nose as she blows air rapidly from her slightly open lip, then she replies calmly at Yuna. “Yes... This place is where GOT7, TWICE, and many gangs have trained themselves to strengthen their power.”

She moves her face slightly around, her eyes staring at Yuna who's walking while staring at her, therefore Ryujin speaks, “Don't you want to be weak right?”

Yuna nods rapidly causing Ryujin to smirk, hence Ryujin says, “Then don't brag if it is needless to!”

At present, Mia looks up and she shouts at Ryujin and Chaeryeong. “I'LL FIND A WAY TO BRING THE TWO OF YOU BACK!”

Mia raises her hands, she collides them against each other, thence a dark light sparks around her hands, then it is followed by dark energy which quickly covers her hands.

Mia separates her hands from each other, she moves them down, her iris are colored dark green as it glows.

Rose lands on the sandy territory. She's now standing in the center of Ryujin and Chaeryeong. Bambam raises her hands and points them at their foes whilst Yugyeom moves his hands rapidly in different directions.

His hands are now coated in crystal, Yugyeom shouts, “We'll bring them back!”

“Let's see,” Rose raises her hand and points her finger at Yugyeom, Bambam, and Mia, “Now, deter their victory.”

Ryujin and Chaeryeong begin to move at full speed towards Mia, Bambam, and Yugyeom.

Mia speaks as she moves her eyes at Bambam and Yugyeom. “Remember, don't murder them, they're still the people that we know.”

“I know about that!” Bambam yelled at Mia.

Sharp diamonds start to arise from the sandy land, Rose crouches and touches the sandy land, hence an intense vibration occurs on the sandy land, causing. Mia begins to sprint towards them, but unfortunately, she falls to her knees.

“The vibration is strong so that it can immobilize my movements.” she clicked her tongue, hence she stood up and raised her foot furthermore, she moved it down instantly on the sandy land.

A strong, wide force spreads in the sandy territory causing a few grains of sand to arise and form a gigantic wave towards Ryujin and Chaeryeong.

Ryujin stabs the sandy land with her spear, the gigantic wave was destroyed; the multiple grains of sand fly everywhere.

Yugyeom and Bambam begin to move. Ryujin reaches Mia and she shoves her spear towards her, yet Mia steps aside and raises her knee. It hits against the spear, causing it to slip from her hand.

Ryujin's eyes widen, hence her cheek was hit by a fist causing her to fall to the ground. Mia quickly moves her face beside her and sees the enormous flame going towards her.

An enormous wall of diamond arises from the sandy land, the enormous flame collides against the enormous wall diamond. Rose smiles and Ryujin stands up from the ground. likewise, she thrusts her spear at Mia but ends up getting kicked by Bambam.

Bambam swings his foot at Ryujin, his foot hits her face causing her to bounce away from him. Yugyeom climbs up the enormous wall of diamond, Rose's eyes widen at the sight of multiple groups of sharp crystals descending from the sky.

Chaeryeong moves her face upward, she breathes deeply and breathes a gigantic force of flames towards the numerous sharp crystals.

The sand underneath her cracks, hence it breaks and Yugyeom comes out from it, thence he delivers a sharp punch of his crystal-coated fist towards Chaeryeong's chin.

Chaeryeong arises from the ground due to his punch and she falls to the ground, yet she remains conscious then she stands up and begins to punch him multiple times, but Yugyeom only evaded the multiple stabs of her fists.

Yugyeom uses his forearm to hit Chaeryeong's wrist as he steps closer to her, then he clenches his other crystal-coated hand and sharply thrusts it forward to Chaeryeong.

But in the mid-way, he suddenly stops his movement, he closes his eyes as he shakes his face rapidly from left to right.

“I-I can't do this!” He opened his eyes only to be hit by a large flame.

Rose opens her lip hence a boisterous laugh comes out from it. Ryujin is holding Bambam's neck, hence she tosses him away, then she looks beside her and was greeted by dark energy that resembles the face of a dragon.

A big, dark explosion occurs; it was strong enough to demolish the enormous wall of diamond to pieces and then it flies in different directions.

Mia walks out from the smoke from the explosion that lingers in the air, Chaeryeong's eyes glow even brighter and larger flames emerge from it.

The flames are gigantic and presently moving towards Mia, so she mumbles, “Spirit paralysis.”

Chaeryeong's eyes turn dark hence she falls to the ground, Rose's eyes widen as she notices Mia appears in front of her; in a blink of an eye.

Mia delivers a swing of her foot towards Rose, her strength was strong enough to send Rose flying away from her at such speed.

Rose hits the sandy land, her impact caused an explosion to occur on the sandy land; multitudinous grains of sand flies everywhere and fall to the sandy land like rain.

Mia walks leisurely towards Rose whilst Rose stands up, she giggles causing Mia to stop in her footsteps.

Rose speaks, “Do you think by defeating me, you can remove them from their state?”

Mia speaks as dark energy occurs around her whole body. “I'll do what it takes to free them from their miserable state.”

“Do what you want! But you will never save them because you'll need to do ‘the’ one thing,” Rose spoke.

Mia remains calm. “What thing?”

“Sacrifice someone closer to them, sacrifice that someone in any place wherein they're at,” Rose answers, “then voila! You've removed them from their state.”

Mia's eyes turn white, she falls to the ground, then Rose laughs amusedly. “I'm thankful for I stabbed a small thorn on your forearm earlier, or else I would die in your hands.”

Rose raises her hand and she snaps, both Ryujin and Chaeryeong who are lying unconscious on the ground are covered by a green and red energy thence it disappears along with them.

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