Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Face Of An Angel

Earlier, a woman walks inside the cafeteria, her eyes see the students who are standing in a line; picking whether they should eat vegetables or fruits.

In the line of students, Ryujin is standing behind Yuna, and Yeji is standing in front of Yuna with her back turned to her.

“Sheesh!” Ryujin clicks her tongue as her eyes narrow at the student who was ahead of the line, “How much longer will that student pick his food?! I got something to do, damn it!”

Yuna laughs softly, Yeji looks behind her with a smile and she tells Ryujin. “You're always like that! But Yuna here is eager to wait."

“Because she's waiting for the snacks,” Ryujin shifted her eyes to Yuna, and she smiles.

Yuna thrust her lip out. “You two are always teasing me...”

A figure is moving forward at full speed, hence Yuna was kicked on her face provoking Ryujin to be confounded; she raised her hands forward while she stepped forward, but it was too late. Yuna was sent to the wall behind the counter beside the aligned students.

The figure moves in a circular motion as she extends her foot hitting Ryujin's face, sending her towards the empty long rectangular table.

“Guys, what was—!" Yeji turned around and she was greeted by a shoe-covered foot.

Yeji closes her eyes while panicking mentally, she says to herself. “I-I'm so sorry Ryujin and Yuna... Because I am a worthless leader.”

“Are you alright?”

When Yeji hears the voice: she opens her eyes and sees the back of a person, Rose is gritting her teeth while staring at the figure in front of her who used his hand to catch her foot.

Henceforth, she was thrown on the ground by the said figure. The figure turns toward the stunned Yeji with a smile on his lip.

“How are you?” the figure asks, “if you don't remember, I was the student who ran away from you. I'm also sorry if I didn't have a conversation with you earlier.

“My friends in my town call me earlier in the classroom. I tried to find you but you're just here doing some illegal things such as ‘cutting’.”

“We're just hungry!" She exclaimed, making Y/N chuckle nervously.

Yeji thrust her lip out as she looked away from Y/N, both of them hearing the voice of a woman cause them to look at where the voice comes from.

A woman slowly stands up from the cold ground, she narrows her eyes at Y/N. “So is it true? You're that person who threw a shoe at Jennie's face, such a talent you have there.”

The students around are greatly astonished at what they heard from Rose. Rose's looks around and smiles slyly. “Now that everybody knows who you truly are? I suppose that the rumor about you is answered.

“Did you know how many high-ranking students are looking for you?”

A hand holds Y/N's hand, causing his eyes to widen. He looks beside him only to see Yeji's closed eyes and a wide smile on her lip.

She opens her lips. “You can do it.”

Y/N opens his hand and moves it away from her hand, Y/N raises his foot and steps ahead of Yeji.

“I do not mind if any or all of the high-ranking students are looking for me," Y/N raises his hands and cracks his knuckles.

Y/N does something but was stopped by the voice of an old man in his mind, and it said. “Y/N, promise me that you would not use our family—”

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