Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: The Feat of a Mortal

Inside a wide room, a man moves up and he lays his back on the board of the bed which he slept on. He moves his eyes everywhere and hence it settles on a woman who is looking down while standing beside the door.

“E:U, am I right?” he asked seriously.

E:U moves her face up, she breathes in through her slightly opened lip, she replies still calm. “You know... We talked about introducing ourselves to each other, didn't we?”

Y/N remains staring at her, he raises his hand and reaches the blanket, then he swings it away from his bottom body, and then he turns aside, lands his foot on the ground, and begins to stand up from the bed.

E:U slightly moves toward Y/N, Y/N walks past her and it causes E:U to smirk. Then his eyes widen, his brow wrinkles, hence his thighs down to his forelegs begin to move rapidly.

Hence the falls to his knees, his upper body couldn't take so much pain that it bends itself without the will of Y/N, Y/N putting his forearm on the ground; he's now pushing himself up through the use of his forearm.

“W-What is this?!” Y/N clenches his teeth, “this ability is crazy! If this continues, it might overcome my strength and topple my chance of living... B-But!”

Saliva comes out from Y/N's lip and it slides through the corner of his lip; it flows to his chin down to the ground. His forearm slips from the ground, Y/N's whole body hits the ground yet he puts his hands on the ground; preventing himself from losing to E:U.

“I-I have them!” he yelled at E:U.

He hears their voice inside his head, back to ITZY's mansion at the time where ITZY's members aren't intruded by Rose and Lisa.

“So it's like this, Ryujin?” Lia moved her face beside her and saw the side profile of Ryujin's now angry look.

“If you will kindly not burn the tomatoes then it would be fine,” she replies, hence she moves her face beside her and sees Lia staring at her so steadily.

Ryujin raises her eyebrows. “Don't you dare to say that you're thinking about him?”

Lia's eyes widen and she immediately looks away from Ryujin, she clicks her tongue. “NO! First, he isn't compatible with us, and second, I don't like him.”

“Where's Yeji and Chaeryeong?” Lia raised her eyebrows.

Ryujin turns around, she walks past the kitchen area, hence she looks at the living room from her spot, she nods and goes back to Lia.

“What?” Lia asked.

“They're gone and presumably rescuing your mighty and shining ideal man,” Rose looks away as a soft laugh comes out from her open lip.

“Sheesh!” Lia embraces herself with her arms, “I don't like that man! He's not my type.”

“Where did I go wrong?” Ryujin leans away from her, “I said he's your ideal type!”

An object crashes to the wall causing the two to be put to a halt, thence they walk with long steps past the kitchen area, then they see Y/N and Yeji facing each other.

Ryujin was undoubtedly shocked by the scene in which her bare eyes were witnessing. She says, “I would like to announce that there's a winner who stole his kind heart. Looks like someone lost.”

Lia raises her hands, she moves her elbow back at a swift rate, Ryujin's eyes turn white hence she falls to the ground while holding her clothed abdomen.

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