Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Collide

Y/N and Bambam are walking in the large hallway which will lead them to their chosen destination.

Y/N looks over at Bambam with a concerned look. "Bambam, will I survive this academy?"

Bambam smiles slyly, hence he moves his face towards Y/N. "By all means, yes!"

"Don't think like that! Instead, think about what will be the ‘outcome’ of your future in this academy," Bambam says, "I might be a crackhead yet I have a keen eye! And through these eyes, I can see that you'll graduate flourishingly from this university."

Y/N looks forward and he takes a deep breath. Also, he can feel his hands getting covered in his sweat, and then he closes his hands.

The pair arrives in front of a closed door, Y/N looks at the sign beside the closed door only to see a sign which has the words: Section-2.

"Hey, Y/N can you make it?"

Y/N veers his eyes toward Bambam who's at the other side of the door; his face is peeking through the small space of the door in front of him. As a result, Y/N nods his head and Bambam opens the door for him, Y/N walks inside and his ears are greeted by the mixed voices of the talking students; his exposed skin felt the cold air from the air conditioners.

He examines every student only to see them minding their business aside from the 6 male students sitting beside each other; their eyes are looking at every part of the room, and lastly, the 5 women who seem to be looking at him.

Y/N looks at them and yes, they are staring at him with a serious look except for the woman among them who's smiling while looking at him.

Y/N slowly raises his hand and then a hand holds his hand making his eyes widen. Y/N quickly looks beside him only to see Bambam giving him an angry piercing stare.

"Y/N if you'll do that! You'll cause trouble, leaders don't like that kind of reaction towards her/his members," he told Y/N.

Y/N nods and Bambam drags him by his hand and they move at full speed towards the six male students. Bambam installs himself on the chair beside the grown man who seems to be staring forward.

Henceforth, Y/N takes a seat on the vacant chair in front of Bambam, Y/N moves his face beside him only to see vacant chairs beside him.

He hears Bambam's voice, saying, "No worries! The empty chairs beside you are a sign of respect."

Y/N looks behind him only to see Bambam's eyes fixated on him. "Respect for what?"

"For the transferee's students who didn't handle the system of this university! Remember my instructions early this morning, Y/N!" Bambam smiled widely.

Y/N gradually turns away from Bambam, his eyes are widening as he can feel his heart beating faster than usual.


The door opens and a middle-aged man enters the room, and then he closes it.

"I don't care about all of you! All I've been yearning for was for all of you to graduate from this university!" he spoke with a loud, strong voice.

"Hey man!" A grown man stops beside Y/N and he kneels on the ground.

Y/N looks beside him only to see a man staring at him with so much happiness painted on his face.

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