Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Go Away

Momo was pushed by Y/N causing her to stumble on the ground but she quickly regains her position, she stares with contempt at the person who's walking away from her.

“Why are you still going to ITZY?!” Momo shouts, causing Y/N to stop walking, “If you do that I'll make sure that paper will be burned!”

His temper is running out, he's thinking a lot about Yuna's reason to do that kind of thing to him. Y/N is holding on to his conviction that Yuna didn't mean to do that to him. So he continues to walk ahead of Momo.

“I do not care about that piece of paper,” Y/N replies, “it will not cause me affliction even if you burn it to crisp.”

Momo narrows her eyes at Y/N, clearly, unhappy about his sudden courage to turn his back from her, therefore she is Mina and Sana's sister after all, and they're known for selling the organs of their victim's body.

“Do you think I'll let you just turn your back from me like I'm nothing?” she asks with a smirk, “didn't you perceive the agreement when a man swore a severe vow to the leader of a girl group?”

Y/N slowly halts in his footsteps. He turns around only to see Momo standing near him. He senses something in her that causes his body to shiver; he cannot truly understand why such ability is gifted to Momo.

“Y-You!” Y/N's knees bend like it's being controlled by someone, “How can you do this?”

Momo stops 1 foot away from him, she kneels with one knee on the ground. Her eyes stare in delight at Y/N's unfortunate situation, Momo raises her hand and touches his cheek. “You're the first man who made a critical step in kissing me. At that moment, I knew that you were special.”

“Like what I said when a man vowed a marriage to a girl group: he just put himself on a lion's den. Meaning you are under our sight,” Momo said once again.

“I-I don't want to be under your sight!” Y/N shouts furiously, “I never agreed to any of that bullshit!”

Momo brings out a syringe from her pocket and stabs it on Y/N's wrist. In a matter of seconds, the boy falls to the ground and his head hits Momo's hand.

Momo declares while gazing at his face. “You'll be our new toy, no, you'll be our lovely husband.”

Momo walks to a dark car while carrying Y/N in her hands. She speaks, “Mukbang!”

Hence, one of the doors moves forward, Momo throws Y/N and he lands on the passenger's seat. Momo closes the door and it locks automatically.
With that, she begins to drive her dark car and it goes on a normal road until it reaches a mossy tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, a wide empty road with a group of trees on each side can be seen.

Y/N opens his eyes, he moves up, and his eyes land on Momo's back figure. He was filled with confusion about where he's going right now, then Momo spoke calmly. “I know you're confused about where you are right now. But you are safe with me and the eight-woman who will become your wife.”

Y/N narrows his eyes and shouts, “LET ME GO, MOMO!”

Momo grins as she feels victorious. “This road isn't available to the public, let's say ‘I let you go’ but sadly you cannot find your way, because this road is very far from the city.”

Y/N looks aside, feeling defeated. “I'll just go with you.”

“Y/N, are you still a virgin?” Momo asked as she looked at Y/N in the small mirror hanging on the ceiling of her car.

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