Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Outcome of One's Dangerous Decision

Inside the house of Y/N, A hand raises and moves swiftly towards the cheek of a man standing in front of the woman who slapped him.

The man was forcibly made to look aside by the slap, he remains to look aside and the woman grits her teeth and glares at him. “WHY Y/N?! WHY?! I PERFORMED EVERYTHING THAT WILL MAKE YOU STAY!”

“Y-You don't comprehend the state where I am right now, Onda!” Y/N moves his face at her, his face shows sadness and grief, “Those women need me! Because they have this curse that will make them so powerful and at the same time erase their memory of who they are.
“Or in short: they'll turn into a ferocious, mindless monster that will aim to destroy this world.”

Onda looks down as tears build in her eyes, she sobs while crying. “I just don't want to leave you dying out there! Knowing that I still have the chance to save you! To change your mind!”

“I'm sorry but those women need me the most and if you truly love me,” Y/N puts his hand on her chin, then he lifts her face, “you'll wait for me...”

Onda pouts and she launches herself at Y/N, and so Y/N encircles her with his arms. Hyunjin is wiping multiple pieces of furniture with a piece of cloth, Changbin and Felix are gazing at Y/N and Onda.

After many hours, Y/N, Changbin, Hyunjin, and Felix are standing in front of a portal made from green smoke. Hyunjin and Changbin hop inside the portal, and Felix follows them, thence it was Y/N who would jump next to Felix.

He licks his lip, he moves his face at Onda who's gazing at him with a smirk, he forms a heart using his fingers causing Onda to blush madly.

“I LOVE YOU!” Y/N yelled loudly, hence he jumped inwards to the portal.

The portal closes after a few seconds, Y/N goes out from the portal and lands in a city, yet the city isn't normal; everything was in a state of great destruction, every building was floating, an audible roar of a dragon could be heard, many chunks of paved road were floating everywhere.

Hyunjin is standing in front of his three companions, therefore he speaks loudly. “GOT7 evacuated all the civilians. Now it is up to us to defeat Lisa with her controlled allies.”

“Are you looking for me?” a feminine voice bounced throughout the whole place.

Felix, Y/N, Changbin, and Hyunjin look at the woman only to cause them to be in awe of what they're witnessing right now.

Y/N speaks to himself. “That Lisa is floating with the purple and blue lightning surrounding her... How can we defeat her?!”

Felix steps ahead of his allies, he narrows his eyes at Lisa and shouts madly. “I'll bring you down!”

His hair rises as dark smoke begins to surround his upper body like a coat, his hands are surrounded by it, thence he was floating a bit from the ground.

Felix begins to soar towards Lisa at such speed, he appears in front of Lisa and then he clenches his smoke-covered hand and thrusts it at intense speed, hitting Lisa's face.

Lisa was thrown by his punch towards one of the remaining standing buildings. The building was soon demolished by the great force of his stab.

A large dragonflies at full speed towards them, the dragon's whole body was covered in white scales, its eyes were red.

The large dragon breathes large blue flames towards Hyunjin, Changbin, and Y/N.

Hyunjin points his hands at the large blue flames that are going closer to them, massive white smoke comes out from the palm of his hands and it goes against the large blue flames.

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