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Happy 500th readers to this wonderful story! Without all of you readers, this story wouldn't reach this far.

I'm thankful that despite the grammatical errors or short chapters you didn't leave me and what I mean is “all of you didn't stop supporting this book.” and if you'll hate this story I fully understand.

Also, without WritingTillICan this story wouldn't be created, he's such a good author. However, if you want to know how I met him: go visit my profile and read what I've announced recently.

I will still not write smut chapters, this story will be my most prioritized story. More action and more idols will appear in the future chapters!

Upcoming Chapters:

Title for Chapter 6: Loneliness

Written By: Calm Evening

Title for Chapter 7: A Face Of An Angel

Written By: Calm Evening.

Well, what do you think? Would you like me to post the title of the next chapter in the end of the future chapters? Please answer me, thank you!

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