Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Found You at Last

"Hello?" Yuna spoke through the phone.

A woman is talking to her, she says, "Hello?! Yuna! Is this you?"

Jackson is standing beside the closed glass window, his back is resting on the wall, and both of them are inside the bright, white hospital room.

"Y/N... How could you make that deadly decision?" he murmured sadly, "Moreover, did he survive against Lisa?"

Yuna shifts her attention to Lia who remains unconscious while resting on the bed, then she proceeds to walk over to Lia. Jackson suddenly looks up and throws a sharp long crystal from his hand, the sharp long crystal goes over the ceiling.

Multiple cracks form on the ceiling, hence it spreads around at a fast pace and it was followed by demolition; a woman goes to Lia.

The sharp long crystal radiates a bright light that rules over the room, causing everyone to cover their eyes with their hands.

The bright light vanishes and the woman, who was Rose, can be seen facing a furious-looking man. The man twists as he extends his foot, delivering a quick but strong strike of his foot on her face.

"That's for Bambam!" he gets down with ease on the floor.

The woman stands up, her eyes go wide as she looks everywhere, then she scowls. "HOW CAN THIS BE?! HOW CAN THEY ESCAPE IN A MATTER OF SECONDS?!"

"It runs in GOT7's member's blood Rose!" he smiles slyly while glaring at the woman who's standing two steps away from him.

"You're a pest! Jinyoung! A pest!" the woman hollered her resentment at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung suddenly dashes towards her, her eyes are widening due to Jinyoung's blow of his knee against her abdomen.

She flies at the door, due to Jinyoung's strength the door shattered to pieces and the woman crashes on the wall of the hallway.

Jinyoung slides his hands in the pocket of his bottom clothing while he's sauntering toward Rose who's body deepened on the wall.

Jinyoung hops toward her, Rose opens her eyes and it is quickly painted with her rising anger. She raises her hands and slams them against the wall.

Hence she bounces towards Jinyoung, then she straightens and hardens her arms and she proceeds to deliver a blow of her arm to Jinyoung. Her plan was successful; her arm hits Jinyoung's midsection, Rose crashes towards a room together with Jinyoung.

Jinyoung bounces on the ground, then he quickly stands up and catches Rose's sharp punch towards him. Crystal rapidly covers both of his hands, and Jinyoung smirks while his eyes are closed.

"Let's do this!" Jinyoung opened his eyes.

Rose feels shivers on her whole body, she murmurs, "Oh no..."

An explosion of intense force occurred on the whole building. The gigantic hospital building was cut in half, and on top of it: Rose emerges from it and she's ascending towards the sky by the intense force of Jinyoung's strength.

Half of the gigantic hospital building begins to fall on the ground, Jinyoung and Rose are now facing each other high in the sky.

Rose throws multiple tiny thorns toward Jinyoung, yet he gyrates with such speed causing the tiny thorns to fly in different directions, Jinyoung leaps from the air towards Rose; he grabs her neck and raises her.

Rose scowls at him, hence she holds his shoulders and pulls him closer to her. Rose raised her knee towards his abdomen but was blocked by his crystal-coated knee.

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