Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Unexpected

The air slowly fades away from Y/N, Jennie's eyes widen after she felt something hard hitting her abdomen.

Y/N, who was now in front of her, raises his other hand and punches her straight to her face, causing her to forcibly step back.

Jennie narrows her eyes at Y/N. “HOW DARE YOU!”

Y/N jumps toward her, hence he's now closer to her and so he sharply thrusts his hands, but Jennie shifts her body at different sides, avoiding the multiple stabs of his hands.

Y/N spins while raising his foot, his foot hits Jennie but she catches it using her hand. She smiles slyly. “It seems that even with your boost of power, you cannot keep your pace with me!”

Y/N leaps from the ground and swirls his whole body, causing Jennie to lose grip of his foot. Jennie was hit on the face by his other foot, causing her to forcibly look aside.

Y/N lands with ease on the ground, he immediately moves at full speed onwards Jennie and she does the same. Once they've almost closed the gap between each other, Y/N spins around, and once he's facing Jennie; he quickly opens his hands and straightens them, and he sends multiple stabs of his hands against Jennie.

Jennie avoids his multiple strikes, but the last one hits her chest. The impact of his hand on her chest was strong enough to send her flying away from the mansion.

Y/N begins to strive in her direction, Jennie opens her eyes while her whole body is moving in the air, she scowls and speaks, “I will not approve of myself being defeated by some rookie!”

She lands on a grassy ground beside a river, Y/N slowly halts five feet away from her; he's narrowing his eyes at Jennie.

Jennie smirks. “So you think that you can topple my victory?”

Y/N closes his eyes as he starts to breathe in, the wind blows over them so gently. Y/N opens his eyes and moves even faster than before, Jennie blinks and is stunned by a palm in front of her eyes.

Y/N shoves his hand onwards Jennie's face causing her to fly away but Y/N grabs her thigh, hence he jumps from the grassy ground, and immediately raises her, but Jennie moves her other foot back and forth hitting the back of his head, causing Y/N to let go of her foot.

Y/N turns around while falling from the mid-air, he opens his hand and shoves it, catching Jennie's foot. Y/N pushes her foot away from him, he moves his other hand back and moves it forward, releasing a strong, greater force that propels Jennie away from him.

Y/N hits the ground in an unfortunate way, he puts his hand on the ground and pushes himself up.

He clicks his tongue while rubbing the lower part of his back, he speaks, “Ouch! It hurts so badly!”

“Y/N!” Yuna stopped beside Y/N.

Hyunjin catches up with Yuna and he goes to the other side of Y/N, Yuna and Y/N look at each other and Yuna speaks furiously. “WHAT WERE YOU DOING?! YOU DID SUCH A CARELESS MOVE!”

Y/N raises his hand and moves it towards her cheek, causing her to gaze into his eyes. Y/N smiles slightly. “I thought that would be the greatest plan for you and the others to escape, but look at you and Hyunjin.”

Y/N looks at Hyunjin and looks back at Yuna, he says, “Why didn't you just leave with your unnies and Hyunjin?”

Yuna looks down and looks up at him with her eyes dyed with joy. “Because I want to protect you, and I-I love y—”

Lightning flickers around Yuna, her eyes turn white and she slowly falls to the ground, yet Y/N extends his hands onward to her but he was too late because Yuna had fallen to the ground.

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