Chapter 10

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Before the chapter begins, I would like to say that every event that will occur in this story isn't real! Also, the characters in this story aren't mine!

I decided to leave but I couldn't leave readers like you waiting for updates while this story is discontinued.

The next chapters will be short but others will be long chapters.

Chapter 10: Dominance

It is such a windy night, a man wearing big clothing is walking on the street where lamp posts are giving brightness.

He stops walking, his eyes move around while analyzing the situation he's in. He mumbles, “I may be lost... Why would a mansion be built beside the small houses, are they that benumbed?”

“But anyway, where is ITZY's house,” he asks to himself, “and what lifestyle are they living for?”

Thinking about their lifestyle makes him in a state of confusion, he remains standing on the ground as he's gently tapping his shoe on the earthy ground. And then a vision came to his mind and it made his whole body shake rapidly.

“N-No! They can't kill people just for that!” he mumbled to himself.

A daughter and her father are standing not so far from Y/N, the daughter holds a part of her father's upper clothing; shaking it.

“Papa, why is he like that?” she asked.

The father looks one last time at Y/N who's eight feet away from them, he asks his daughter in reply to her question. “And why did you ask me that?”

“Today is family day,” she says, “where are his father and mother? Did they abandon him?”

“You know, my sweet little girl, Papa thinks he's finding his last piece,” the father replied, making her daughter nods repeatedly; understanding what her father said.

“I guess his last piece has arrived,” the father said upon seeing a person walking towards Y/N.

The figure stops in front of Y/N. Her face was not recognized by Y/N because it's been blocked by her hair. Y/N walks closer to her, making his shoes closer to the figure's shoe.

“I knew it was you,” he raises his hands and moves her hair away from her face, “Shin Yuna.”

“His last piece, Papa? What do you mean?” the daughter became confused once again, causing her father to chuckle.

The father looks down on her daughter, he sees her troubled expression. He smiles slightly. “It's how I met your mother. She was my last piece to complete myself.”

Yuna smiles widely showing her white teeth which she's always taken care of. “Are you standing here for hours?”

“I am not,” Y/N answers, “I'm just thinking about something.”

“About me? My safety?” she asked.

“No, it's all about that mansion and why is it built there?” Y/N asks, “don't they have empathy for the poor people besides the mansion?”

“You're a nice guy with a big heart,” Yuna speaks. She looks at Y/N and her smile remains on her face, “but the small houses beside that mansion are made for my father's men to live while waiting for orders.”

Y/N jerked with shock. He looks at Yuna. “M-Men?!”

Yuna nods her head as she looks at him. “Yes, because our father is one of the most feared men in this city; he's powerful enough to make plans ahead of time.”

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