Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Gloomy

In the wide hallway, no students can be seen anywhere except for the three students moving towards each other. Jisoo raises her hand and catches a fist and she closes her hand, tightening the grip on the hand whom she caught.

“Is this all, the leader of Stray Kids?” Jisoo said while staring fiercely into Bang Chan's eyes.

“SHUT UP!” Y/N yelled, he moved at full speed towards the other side of Jisoo.

A shoe-covered foot sharply lands on her face, sending her to the lockers aside, making a loud sound of a heavy object hitting an aligned locker.

Bang Chan, who kneels on the ground, uses his hand to wipe something off beside his lip, he looks at Y/N. “How did you do that?!”

Y/N, who's standing with his back turned to him, replies calmly. “Bambam educated me very well about the hand-to-hand fight and how to strike with feet cleverly.”

“This guy,” Bang Chan says to himself, “he got lots of potentials to be a great fighter—!”

A hand slaps the aligned lockers, Jisoo moves away from it. Then, she walks in front of Y/N but they're three feet away from each other.

She speaks with a hint of anger. “I CANNOT ACCEPT THAT A MAN HIT ME!”

Y/N bends his knees as he lowers his body, hence he jumps so high from the ground. Jisoo stares at him in awe and so does Bang Chan.

“That kid! He must be crazy, only senseless people do that in front of Jisoo!” Bang Chan said.

Y/N is falling on Jisoo, while falling he lifts his knees and embraces it in his arms. He tells himself. “FUCK IT! I NEED TO DISTRACT HER.”

“Hey, woman!” Bang Chan ran at great speed towards Jisoo.

Jisoo moves her eyes aside only to see a glimpse of a figure coming towards her, and then it was Bang Chan. He closes his hand and thrusts it with all his might, therefore, Jisoo got hit by his fist which causes her to fly away from Bang Chan.

Y/N lands with ease on the cold ground, Bang Chan looks at Y/N with a calm look. “I understood what you were trying to do; you were giving me an opening to strike Jisoo. And I thank you for that.”

But instead of rolling on the ground, she remains standing on the ground while being sent by the impact of Bang Chan's glove-covered fist.

“No problem," Y/N says and proceeds to do his fighting stance while his focus remains on Jisoo, “let's just finish her off... But wait! Will there be a person like a janitor or something?”

Bang Chan smirks while fixing his gloves. “I'll put my faith in my answer, which was no, there will be no people that'll appear out of nowhere and stop this fight.

“Besides, I got a terrifying influence in this university, the same as Jisoo.”

Jisoo narrows her eyes as a vein appears on her forehead, she closes her hands. “Don't compare my level to you, loser!

“And Y/N, you have so much potential, so why don't you come into contact with us? You'll earn so much money and huge fame at this university. Not only that, but I, Jennie, Lisa, and Rose will train you.”

“Shit... This is bad,” Bang Chan looks aside only to see Y/N staring at Jisoo, “Don't do it! You will just suffer greatly!”

Y/N raises his foot slightly and makes one step ahead of Bang Chan, his eyes are narrowing at Jisoo causing her to smirk.

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