PART 14- two friends

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once some shield agents took bucky to get settled down and meet his therapist I decided to call Romanoff to get steve sown here.

"Romanoff" she answered.

"hey I need you and your pall steve don't to HQ like now" I answered,

"why," she asked.

"let's just say one of steves buddies have come to town and he will wanna see," I said

"okay well be down there in 15 minutes.

"make it 5," I said putting the phone down and walking back over to Fury and Maria.

"so what the aim is will Mr Barnes is that we hopefully get Barnes all of his memory back we get him some training and see where we go from there," Fury said.

"will I be able to see him daily," I asked?

"of course you can take him out as well just when he is covered we don't need hydra getting him back," he said as my phone pinged.

"there here ill take them to see Barnes," I said. walking out.

"hey, I get them two you get bucky prepared okay," Maria said to me.

"got it," I said turning around the elevator to one of the private rooms. I walked in there t see bucky looking out the window.

"hey bucky," I said and he spun around.

"Hey, what's up," he asked.

"so we have one of your friends from the 40s here to see you steve do you remember him," I asked.

"Not very," he said looking down at his feet.

"hey but that is fine that is why you are getting help hows that new therapist," I asked.

"yeh she seems nice," he said.

"good so anyway I have a file on your friend steve to hopefully ring a couple of bells," I said sitting down and talking to him about their relationship for a couple of minutes before there was a knock on the door 

the door opened and Marias face popped out behind it saying "you wanna brief them"

"yeah be right back bucky," I said walking out to see both of them 

"so I just want to let you know before I let you see him his memory is very delicate at the moment and can't remember anything very well and he is also very emotional right now so watch what you say he is like a puppy okay," I said to them both as they nodded understanding.

I opened the door and both buckys and steves eyes locked together.

"bucky?" he asked very confusedly.

"you steve right I grew up with you," he said looking at me for confirmation and I nodded telling him that he is right.

"hey," he said sitting next to him. "do you remember anything"

"no sorry I recognise you but I can't put a finger on it sorry," he said sadly.

"hey that's fine you will get there I'm just glad your alive," he said.

me, Tasha and maria let them talk snd we talked outside the room.

"so that is the bucky Barnes how did he survive the fall from the train," Natasha asked.

"We have no idea but what we know is that he has been part of hydra for like 70 years, his Ali is the Winter Soldier, and he has been brainwashed," I said.

"wait do you mean The Ghost The Winter Soldier the guy who killed over 100 people," she said.

"Yeah, why you know him from the time in the Red Room," Maria asked.

"yeah, I do he trained me when I was there and then shot me giving me that nasty scare on my abdomen," she said.

"oh dam," I said.

we talked some more then we all left bucky to do his session with his therapist and t was just me, Tasha, maria, and steve talking until we decided to go home and then it was just me and Maria sat on the living room couch with her watching me play Fortnite on my Xbox.

"Today has been hectic," she said.

"oh 100% but wait until tomorrow we will have a ten-ton of paperwork," I said and she moans

"wait I thought you were the type of girl to like paperwork," I said.

"you're kidding right," she asked me and I shook my head.

"believe me I hate it more than you," she said.

"I don't think that is possible," I said.

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