chapter 25

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it had been three weeks since my surgery and it was finally healed and it was time to get into business and meet this boss man guy who I am supposed to take down.

it had been a weird couple of weeks here I mean I am so used to waking up with Maria or even having tits but then again I have neither.

I had gotten dressed in a simple suit and walked down the car where Albert was going to take me to the meetup. after the twenty-minute ride I got out of the car and walked into the warehouse to see three black ranger rovers parked in the middle and to see that there were three men in front of the cars two of them looking like bodyguards and the other in the middle looking like every girl's fantasies guy I mean nice hair, sharp jawline, good body build and well just looked like a very handsome guy.

I walked towards them and I shook hands with the boss man.

"Sorry I am late fellas traffic was a nightmare," I said.

"no problem," he said.

"so let's get to business I hear that you are after a partner in crime," the boss man said.

"well more of an associate but partner in crime is one way to put it," I said.

"you seem like a nice lad," he said and paused not knowing my name.

"Noah" I filled him in.

"right Noah any way you seem like a nice lad but if you want to be an associate to me we have very strict rules ok and it is a very tight business you get what I mean everything goes through me," he said.

"yeh totally understand," I said.

"and know that if you want to work with me it is going to take a long process for me to trust you ok you got that," the boss man said.

"oh yeah, 100% get where you're coming from," I said.

"good that is good I can already tell that you are going to be a good decision," he said pointing to me and I nodded.

"well I will get in touch with you Noah," he said shaking my hand.

"thank you, sir," I said.

"no worries but please call be Jewels," he said.

"no problem jewels," I said and I walk blackout of the warehouse and into the car.

"that was short sir," Albert said.

"short and sweet guy seems legit and fair if you get what I mean," I said.

"sir any way wear will you be headed sir," he asked me.

"back home please Albert," I said and he nodded driving off back to the villa which was much faster than getting here.

 I walked into the villa and straight to my computer that was in my room where I was expecting a call.

"hey, pirate," I said as fury face popped up on the screen.

"Hey Noah," he said with a smile.

"I and guessing you got the email," I said. yes, I did legalise my name back to Noah James.

"yes I did and honestly wasn't surprised in the slightest any way tell me about this guy we are after," he said.

"well I mean there isn't much to say only had a twenty-minute conversation with the guy he seems legit and you know it will be hard to work my way up the ladder up but he has already taken a liking to me," I said.

"well that is always is a bonus," he said.

after about ten minutes we talk about work.

" so how is she," I asked referring to maria.

"she missed you she won't admit it out loud but you know she is keeping herself busy doesn't go home as much but you know what she is like when it comes to emotions and Maria," he said.

"yeah okay just keep an eye on her ok and anyway what about the others and the new compound going," I asked.

"the others are good mission after missions and the compound is almost ready just one more week and we will be getting everyone moved in and ready to go," he said.

we carried on talking and then said our goodbye and hung up.

I did nothing for the rest of the day other than work out and find something good to do in the next how many months I will be here and I saw a good tattoo place a couple of blocks south from the villa. 


sorry really short chapter.

please send in some ideas please

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