Watch out!

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May 3rd, 1962

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. Scotty is the only person who ever knocks and let me tell you, it makes me want to bash his head in. I am way too aggressive right now

"Isabella! Breakfast is ready."


I'm still in the clothes from yesterday, I didn't even change last night. Nothing like sleeping in a pair of jeans. I do this often, most people tell me that I'm a psycho but jeans aren't that uncomfortable unless they're the really tight ones.

I walk into the kitchen to see Scotty and Bill eating cereal. What a great breakfast this is;

"I thought you said breakfast was done?"

"It is, Mom just had to go get cereal."

"Oh wow."

I eat my cereal and then go get ready for the day. I end up just brushing my hair out and putting it into a low bun and putting on my baseball cap. I put on a black and white flannel with a white tank top underneath, jeans, and my black converse.

"Hey Isabella, come on."

"Where are we going?"

"I've gotta show you something."

"Bye mom!"

He ends up taking me to a Sandlot where a bunch of boys play and they're short one player. Benny is batting to everyone and they play really good but come to find out, they don't keep score. Scotty brought his plastic glove that grandma gave him when he was six, I don't even understand how his hand fits in it. I didn't bring anything because he didn't tell me that I would need a glove.

"Watch out!" I'm brought out of my thoughts when I see a baseball heading Scotty and I's way.

"Got it!" The baseball comes right in front of Scottys glove when I catch the ball with my barehands and he falls backward. All of the boys instantly start laughing except for Benny who just shakes his head and looks away.


"Did she just catch that?"

"Yes, I did actually."

I give the ball back to Scotty for him to throw.

"Come on!"

"Throw the ball man!"

He attempts at the throwing it but it ends up about a foot away. All of the boys start laughing and it even gets to the point that they dramatically fall over, other than Benny again.

"Did you see that throw?"

"I'll throw it."

"Oh, my god. I embarrassed myself."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We'll practice."

I throw the ball back to the pitcher and he just squeezes his glove closed. He looks at Benny with his jaw dropped and so do the rest of the boys.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now