The Fair

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July 2nd, 1962

We decided to go to the fair tonight considering we didn't the other day. We were all excited today and filled with happiness considering we sort of just now realized that we won the baseball game. Benny still has a knot on his head but he says he's fine, I don't believe him.

"Debra, hey!"

"Hey Angel, this is Tim."

"Hi Tim, it's nice to meet you." Mom shakes the hand of the man that Debras been going out with for apparently "months."

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Bella, don't be rude."

"I'm Isabella, it's nice to meet you." I shake his hand and smile "Hi Debra."

"Hi sweetie pie." She glares and Tim looks confused.

They sit down and Bill finally walks out here from taking a shower. He just got home from work and he rushed to take a shower.

"Hey mom, Tim." He nods and sits beside mom on the couch. It's silent for a moment and Scotty looks at me awkwardly.

"Okay well, we're gonna go to my room. Bye." We run to my room and laugh once we close the door.

"I can't wait till later, I'm so excited."

"I am too." I agree and Scotty grabs a book off my shelf


"Bye mom, I love you!"

"Bye guys, be careful. I love you too."

"We will."

We walk out the door and meet Benny at Hams house. All the boys eventually join us and we make our way to the fair. Once we get to the gate everyone feels their pockets for money.


"No, it's on me guys."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am."

"Thanks Benny."

"Yeah, thanks Benny." All the boys cheer and Benny pays. We make our way inside and he hands out the tickets.

We walk around and then get to the first ride they wanna ride. It just goes in circles and everyone on it looks like they're gonna fall out

"Crap, I almost forgot!"


"Chaw! I was saving it for a good time."


"Chaw! Big chief."

"Jeez smalls, I suppose you don't even know who the babe is either." Scotty goes silent and I stifle a laugh

"It's a plug, wad, chewing tobacco."

"Baccy man."

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now