New neighbors?

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A/N: this is basically in "diary form" and it is in Bennys perspective. So it's gonna be Bennys opinion and stuff, his diary😂

May 2nd, 1962

There's new people in town and they're my neighbor. There's a girl, boy, and a man and woman. They seem like a nice family, they waved at me at least. The girls pretty but I'd rather focus on baseball. She came and talked to me today, well tonight but I was laying on my roof thinking about Dani and then I remembered how she's with dad so I got pissed off. She made me happier though, we talked for a few minutes and she was a little awkward but it was funny. I figured out that her name is Isabella, I'm gonna call her Bella though.
                                              - B.R

May 3rd, 1962

They came to the Sandlot today. As in they, I mean the new neighbors. The boy, which I still have to figure out his name, got knocked back by the ball even though Bella caught it, with her barehand. I don't know how she managed to do that, I was surprised. All the boys were too but I think they forgot about it because they couldn't stop laughing about her brother. I don't think anyone else noticed but they came back and sat in the dugout for about ten minutes and watched us play. They left after Squints winked at Bella and then we saw them in the diner, as soon as she walked in it was like everything went in slow motion. She's honestly beautiful but I just couldn't see me dating anyone. The boys were being loud and I'm pretty sure everyone around us was pissed but I mean, so was I. Ham was talking about Babe Ruth way too much and he was screaming about him, he's a legend but damn, calm down. I talked to Bella on my roof last night again, she decided to get on hers and we talked a little. I think I embarrassed her though, she was looking at me and I told her some stupid thing about my face and she laughed.


May 4th, 1962

I invited Bella and Scotty to play at the Sandlot today. The boys were giving me hell about it but we needed the right amount and an extra. Bella can play ball, she's crazy good. I don't wanna be like everyone else and be sexist or whatever but to be a girl, she's good. Scotty came with a black eye, pretty sure he got hit by a baseball because earlier today I heard screaming come from their backyard and then his glove was broke so it sort of makes sense. Scottys nice, he needs some practice but after I told him how to throw and stuff he got pretty good. I also gave him my old hat and glove, his smile was so big I thought that his lips were gonna spilt in half at the ends. Anyway, I saw Phillips today and he was talking about some new girl in town, obviously Bella. He didn't even Acknowledge me and it pissed me off real bad, we used to be best friends. He's dumb.


May 5th, 1962

Bella didn't come out of her house much today. Only time I saw her was when she got in the car with her mom when I was leaving for school and she didn't look happy. I just got back from school and their car is in the driveway but the lights in the house are off and it just seems dead.

Update: Apparently Bella had to go see her grandma on her step dads side. Scotty says that she doesn't like her and that the 'old hag ruins her vibe.' Whatever that means.

Update again: Bella came by the Sandlot, said hey, and then left. She was walking towards Phillips field, pretty sure she went to watch their game because she walked into her front door around 9. It doesn't really matter, I just don't want her to get hurt by him, he's an awful person.


May 6th, 1962

She came to the sandlot today, looked a lot happier. She played around and joked with the boys, didn't really take anything personal. We talked a lot and even joked about her grandma. I don't really have anything to say about today, it wasn't bad; it was a really good day actually. We're having a camp out which is gonna be fun.


Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now