Pool Party

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May 23rd, 1962(swimming stuff above)

Once we get to the pool everyone jumps in but I take all the towels and I kick all the shoes to the chairs. Most of the sandlot boys just took their shoes off and ran so I had to get them to the chairs somehow. Jordan helped, being the nice person he is, and then we both jumped into the pool.

"This feels so good."

"I know."

"Normally it's cold."

"I've never been to this pool so I wouldn't know."


"Well, yeah. I spend most days at the sandlot or with you."


"Belle, look!" I turn around and see Mya swimming with her little floaties on.

"Oh my goodness! You're doing so good."

"Thanks." She sends a lopsided smile and continues to swim to me.

Someone bumps into me and I turn around to see Sarah standing there with a rude look on her face.

"Maybe you should watch where you're going." She looks me up and down

"I was literally standing here, why don't you watch where you're going?"

"I was, you're just invisible."

"Says the one who stands on the sidelines and cheers. Pathetic." I turn around and start to slowly walk away until she says something

"At least I don't play a boys sport, I act like an actual girl."

"At least I know things about the sport and don't look like an idiot."

"I don't need to know anything about the sport, all I need is Benny."

"Well, Benny cares a lot about the sport so eventually you'll have to."

"Says who?"

"I just did." This time I actually walk away and Jordan and Belle follow. We get to the four foot and I sink down a little.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, I knew I wouldn't like her."

"She is dumb." Mya says and starts laughing which causes me to laugh. I splash her a little and it mostly gets on Jordan. Oh no

"Oh it's so on." He splashes me and I splash him back. It continues on until he gets close enough to push me underwater. I come up, gasping for air and he swims away but I quickly catch up to him and push him underwater. He pulls me on top of his shoulders and he comes up.

"Real smooth." Oh god, what if I get blood on him?

It's as if he's reading my mind. "You're not gonna get blood on me, if you do it's fine."

"How in the world? We should play chicken with someone."

"Sure, ask your cousin."

"Olivia!" She turns around and smiles. "Come play chicken."

"Who's gonna hold me?"

"Ham!" He turns around and looks at me. "Come play chicken."

"Alright." He's at least half her height so I don't know how good this is gonna go.

They get situated and it doesn't turn out that bad. We start playing and I push her and she pushes back. It goes like this for a few minutes before she gets knocked down because I pushed with all of my strength honestly and next thing you know it, Jordan is falling backwards.

"Belle! You won."

"I know! Do you wanna get on my shoulders? I'll carry you around."

"Yes." Jordan picks her up and puts her on my shoulders and we walk to the five foot. Me and Jordan talk for a while and then it starts raining.

"Great." Hint the sarcasm

"Come on, let's go." None of the parents came other than mom and Bill so we're all screwed. I get out of the pool, put my shoes on, and grab Mya. We're running home and running through puddles. It's like something you would see in a movie.

"Aghh!" I slip and hold Mya tight but I don't hit the ground. I open my eyes and there's Jordan, holding me up.


We stare at each other and start slowly leaning in. Our lips connect like they're just made for each other and we slowly release.

"Belle, come on. It's thundering."

I zone back in and Mya is looking at me. I can't believe I just did that.

"Yeah, sorry." We run to the house and I am literally soaked.

"It's fweezing."

"Here, I'll find you clothes. Jordan, call your parents and tell them y'all are staying here tonight. Super fun sleepover time!" I laugh and take Mya to my room. I get her clothes which is literally just a hoodie of mine and a pair of her underwear that Sharry brought earlier.

"Dis is so warm."

"You can lay in bed if you want."

"Otay." She climbs up in bed and cuddles up to my blanket. I change into the hoodie Jordan gave me, jogging pants, and fuzzy socks.

"I should have a shirt if you want me to find one."

"It's okay." Jordan climbs up into bed and cuddles up to Mya.

"Sorry about earlier, I didn't even ask if you wanted to stay here."

"It's fine, I didn't wanna go home anyways. Sam's there with Aleah and it's just weird."


"Hey kids, oh."

"Sorry, is it okay if they stay here tonight?"

"Yeah, Sharry just called and said they were as long as it's alright with me. Hi Mya."


"Well, get some sleep I guess. I'll have dinner ready when you guys wake up."

"Okay, thanks mom."

"You're welcome." She closes my door and I turn the light off. I climb into bed behind Jordan and put my back to his. I feel movement and then I'm being turned around and my arm being thrown around Jordan. I smile and then he turns around to look at me. It's sort of hard to see him but I can still see his eyes a little.

"Here." He opens his arms and I wrap my hands around his stomach. He pulls the blanket over both of us and rubs small circles on my back. I can tell he's asleep when his thumbs stop moving and his breathing evens out.

I fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat and dream of us in the rain again.


"Bella, wake up. The power went out and it's storming really bad, we're gonna have to go to the basement."

I slowly climb out of bed and grab Mya. Jordan gets up and we walk to the basement. There's a spare bed in the basement so I lay it down since it was laying against the wall and grab a few blankets and three pillows from a box.

"I'm laying back down." I lay Mya down slowly and then flop down beside her. Jordan gets behind me and throws his arm over my stomach.

Normally I would care about the storms but I'm way too tired to care right now. I fall asleep shortly and this time I don't dream of anything.

A/N: I hated this chapter. It was sort of cute but I didn't like it that much. It was sort of just a filler but idk.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now