Scotty's Birthday

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May 23rd, 1962

Jordan has a game against the Bears today and he is literally going crazy. He says that they're good and he doesn't know if his team will win today.

By the fourth inning, they're down by one which isn't bad but Jordan is pissed off.

Jordan is up to bat and everyone cheers him on. He hits it the center field and gets to second so now they are tied. Matthew hits it to left field and gets to second while Jordan gets to third. Oliver strikes out and then it's their turn to get field.

By the end of the game, the Tigers lost by only one but the Bears seem pretty bummed out because one of their star players broke his ankle somehow. The tigers are sort of happy but not the best.

"Hey! You done good." Jordan literally bear hugs me and we stay like that for a while. Here lately, we've gotten very close. I've been going to the sandlot and Benny keeps talking about some girl named Sarah so he obviously doesn't like me so I pushed the tiny feelings I had, away.

I haven't tried making a move on Jordan because I want him to. It would be terrible if he rejected me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired."

"Come on, we'll take you home and you can go to bed."

"I don't wanna. We should have a sleepover at your house this time."

"Okay, I'll ask."

I walk over to mom and ask and she nods her head.

"Sure! We don't have a guest room or anything so he can honestly just sleep in your bed since it's so big or even the couch."



"She said yeah."


We had already planned on hanging out at my house after the game anyways but since he was tired I just wanted him to get some sleep. Neither his mom or dad could make it to the game today since they were both at work and mom was off.

When we get home he calls his moms work and talks to her for ten minutes before he gets happy and nods at me.

"Bye mom, I love you too."

He puts the phone back and walks over to me. He stretches his arms out and hugs me. At first I'm startled but now, I'm in heaven. His hugs are always so warm and they make me feel so safe until he pulls away and then I want more.

"Come on Jordan, go lay down." I lead him to my room and he climbs into my bed.

"I'm sweaty."

"You can go take a shower if you want, I've still got the jersey you gave me and the sweatpants."

"Okay, thanks." He climbs out of bed and groans. I turn around to walk to my closet and remember that I have his hoodie too.

"I also have your hoodie."

"You can keep that one, I don't wear it anyways."

"Uh, here." I hand him the jersey and his sweatpants and run to scotties room to grab underwear. I quickly grab a pair and throw them at Jordan. They hit him right in the face and I burst out laughing.

"Those are brand new, I don't know if they'll fit though."

"They should be fine." He walks out of my room and into the bathroom. I hear the shower start so I start changing into his hoodie and a pair of comfy shorts. My bedroom door opens while I'm mid changing into the hoodie, only in a bra.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now