Thank You for the Flowers

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July 7th, 1962

Isabella's POV:

Bill ended up being super calm about the whole ball deal but at first I thought he was going to have a mental breakdown.

He put his new ball where his old one was and gave us the ball Benny signed. We took it to the sandlot and played for a while and then it was dark so we decided to go home.

I got home and Olivia was there because apparently her mom and mine think we need to spend more time together.

"So are you guys okay now?" We're currently sitting in my floor painting our nails looking at magazines. I think acting like a girl sometimes is actually fun considering I play baseball everyday

"Yeah, we're fine now. It was just a little fight but I seriously thought he was gonna break up with me."

"I would've beat him if he did."

"Same, how are you and that boy?"

"Oh we're doing great! He's the sweetest person ever and we're supposed to be hanging out tomorrow."

"That's so good, I'm happy for you."

"Yeah, I met his parents and oh, my God they are the sweetest people ever! I can tell where he got his sweetness from."

I laugh and flip the page of the magazine. I hear a knock on my window and instantly know who it is.

"Who is that?"

"Benny." I sigh and open my window "Yes?"

"Can I come in?"

"We're having a girls night."

"You guys can paint my nails too."

"Oh yes, let him in." He crawls through my window and sits down in the floor. I sit down beside him and continue flipping through the magazine while they have little talk.

Olivia paints his nails a maroon color aside from his ring finger and she paints them a silver color. He tries yanking his hand back but she keeps her grip hard so he gives up and laughs.

"What are you looking at?"

"A magazine."

"I know that, what kind?"

"It's just clothes."



"What's your favorite insect?"

"A butterfly."

"A praying mantis." Benny says and i furrow my eyebrows. Who the hell likes praying mantis'?

"Mines a caterpillar."


"I don't really know, they're just pretty. Why do you like praying Mantis' Benny?"

"I don't really know, I'm kind of scared of them actually but I like them at the same time."

"They freak me out. What about you Bella, why do you like Butterflies?"

"They're just pretty, I've always been in love with butterflies honestly."

"Hopefully not more than you are with me."

"I could never be in love with something or someone more." Did I just say that? My eyes widen and I put my hand over my mouth "Sorry, oh my gosh."

"Why are you sorry?"

"This is awkward so I'm gonna let that hand dry and I'll be back."

I cannot believe I just said that! I wasn't even thinking about it, what in the world am I gonna do?

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now