Sleepover At The Phillips Household

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May 9th, 1962

Today's the last day of school so me and Scotty are just sitting at home watching tv waiting on the boys to come home. Scotty is at least, I'm just waiting on Skylar to get home so we can meet up at the park again and go get ice cream. Afterwards, she's coming to my house to meet mom and Bill and then we're just gonna hangout. We'll probably read more of the book Charlotte's Web that we've been reading ever since Monday.

Normally I wouldn't want to read but I love the book so far. Skylar has gotten me hooked to it and she even got me to open up and tell her about how I was feeling yesterday even though I was perfectly fine.

"Bye sis, do you want to come?"

"No." Benny had apparently been standing at the door talking to Scotty for the past few minutes and I didn't even notice.


"It's obvious my presence isn't needed so you go ahead and play. I'm gonna be with Skylar today anyways."

"Who's Skylar?"

"Oh, it's another boy on Jordan's team. I don't know why it matters anyways."

He just scoffs and Scotty looks between us and laughs.

"What?" Benny asks him with confusion wrote all over his face.

"Skylar is her friend she met at the park the other day. She's been hanging out with her since Sunday."


"Okay, let's go Benny."

"Bye Isabella." Benny waves but I'm too stubborn and pissed off at him to wave back. I mean, who does he think he is? It's none of his business who I hangout with.

A few minutes pass and I get a phone call from Skylars home phone.


"Hey, Izzy. I'm not gonna be able to make it today, my mom needs some help around the house but I can hangout tomorrow."

"I'm going to a baseball game tomorrow for one of my friends but you're welcome to come. If not then we can hangout Friday."

"Okay, ill see you Friday. I'm really sorry though."

"No, it's fine. There's nothing to be sorry about."

"Okay, bye."


I call Jordan's home phone to hear Aleah answer and we talk for a minute or two before she yells for Jordan. He grabs the phone and sighs.


"Woah, don't sound so happy to be talking to me."

"Isabella? Sorry. I'm just stressed. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to go ride around on our bikes or something but never-mind ."

"I would love to actually. Can we walk though? I don't want to tire my legs too bad before the game tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah. Of course we can. Meet at the drug store in ten?"

"Yeah, that works. Bye."

"Bye." I run to my room and change into a pair of black jean shorts(cause Jean shorts are about all I own), a striped black, white, red, and blue shirt, and my black hightop converse.(outfit at the top)I just put my hair in a high ponytail and run out the door.

Mom and Bill aren't home today because Bill has work and mom is looking for a job and then she's going to the grocery store, again.

By the time I get to Vincent's Drug Store Jordan is already there waiting for me but he's talking to someone beside him who I can't see. He's also looking down and smiling.

Benny Rodriguez; 1962Where stories live. Discover now